"O LORD, how manifold are your works! In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. Yonder is the sea, great and wide, creeping things innumerable are there, living things both small and great." (Psalm 104:24-25)
My oldest child has taken an interest in bugs. She received a bug catcher from her Grandmother for her birthday and has been looking for bugs ever since. Yesterday I found some slug/snail things in our garden and put 4 of them in her bug catcher with a piece of a green bean (also from the garden!), a small piece of homemade bread, and a stick. I have NO clue why I chose those items....not sure what snails/slugs eat. We also put in a big black ant. So far, the ant appears to have lost its mind and just runs in circles. Two of the snails looked like they were trying to reproduce this morning. It was odd to watch.
It's neat to see all the different kinds of bugs. And I started thinking about just how many different living things God has put on this earth. We don't even know all the different kinds; some have never been discovered. How organized God must be to remember each bug, animal, insect, or person by name! I have a hard time not calling one of my girls by the dog's name or vice versa!
On a totally different note, my eldest and I are a part of the library's summer reading program. The preschoolers have to read 40 books by end of July and they'll get a t-shirt for completing it. The adults have to read 5 books. My daughter's on book 22 that I've read to her. I haven't even started one for myself! I thought for sure I'd spend naptime reading, but I seem to find other things to do. So, I'm hoping the t-shirt is at least a girls size 14....I MIGHT be able to squeeze into it (though, it'd be way too big for my daughter then). HAHA. I did check out 2 cake decorating books today; hopefully that'll get me closer to my 5.
And, again, on another different note....I can't believe Yahoo is getting rid of GeoCities in October! I have a free website for my small bread business through them. Now I have to search for another free host or pay a monthly fee to continue with Yahoo on one of their other hosting entities. A friend just made business cards for me....of course, with the geocities web address on them! So frustrating. Not that I'm making a large sum of money from my website, but it's nice having the free site since I don't make much from baking.
So, my bits of wisdom for today:
1 - take the time to stop and think of all of God's wonderful creation and the ridiculous job He has of remembering each creature by name
2 - read when you get the chance....to your kids, to yourself, to anyone; there is no downside to reading
3 - tell all your friends about my website. :) just kidding, anyone that knows of a free place to put up a new site is welcome to share; otherwise, word of mouth will have to do.