Thursday, March 25, 2010

Focused on FREE!!

I scored several items at Target today for only $4.98!!

To begin with, I purchased:
Clorox Toilet Wand System - $9.69
Pictureka Flipper Game - $9.54 (clearance price)
Kids Crest Toothpaste - $1.49 (sale price)
Johnson's Soap Buddies - $.97
Air Wick Scented Oil I-Motion Starter Kit - $5.00 (sale price)
Vitamin Water - $1.19

Then I used:
$1.00 off Johnson's product coupon
$5.00 Clorox Toilet Wand coupon
$4.00 mfr Air Wick I-Motion coupon
$1.00 target Air Wick coupon
$5.00 Hasbro game coupon
$1.00 target kids oral care - crest coupon
$1.50 mfr kids crest coupon
FREE vitamin water coupon for being a fan on facebook

The total came out to $9.98 somehow, then I have a $5 mail-in rebate for the Clorox Toilet Wand, so my final total is $4.98!! I can't believe that I put that whole sale together myself! It would've totaled just over $30. I'm so excited. The Pictureka game was not a planned purchase, but I was scanning the game aisle to see if I could use up some expiring coupons to score a free travel size game. Low and behold, the Pictureka Flipper was on clearance! $4.54 for that game is pretty good. I think it was regularly priced at like $15 or more.

Such a good day for deals. :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Free Photo Strip and Free Connect 4!

While the health care system and the economy seem to be stressful issues, why not relax and get a free photo strip from Shutterfly? Go to Shutterfly and register or log in and try Wink, their new photo strip maker. It creates 3-5 photos on a strip, just like the old photo booths. Your first strip is FREE with FREE shipping! It takes just a few minutes to choose your pictures, unless you're like me and all your current pictures are sitting on your that case, you'll have to upload them to the computer or facebook or twitter first, then you can choose from one of those 3 to grab the pics you want for the photo strip. :)

You have the option to send it to yourself or to someone as a gift. I chose the 5 picture strip and added an individual picture of each of my 3 girls and then 2 group shots. Very cute!

Also, don't forget to grab your coupons for Connect 4 Here and the Target web coupon Here to get your game for FREE! Although I received mine for free, I did hear/read of folks who weren't able to use the Target web coupon because it states "Connect 4x4", which is apparently a different game than what's on sale. BUT, my cashier lady just bypassed the computer's warning that the coupon was applicable, and I received the extra $3 off to get it for free!!

Lastly, today is Free Cone Day at Ben & Jerry's!! Unlimited free cones for all between 12pm and 8pm. Find your nearest ice cream location Here.

And, of course, I'm still looking for bread orders this week. If you or someone you know would like to order, please let me know. Don't forget to plan ahead for any Easter orders!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Meringue Madness

So, I made a Lemon Meringue pie for the first time last week. I had made a lemon pie with whipped cream topping before, but this was my first official meringue. I did not take a picture of it. Wish I had.

I assumed meringue stiffened as quickly as whipped cream, but for me it did not. I have seen it made a number of times and was fairly confident I could tackle it quickly. WRONG. The first one I made last Friday turned out okay, then browned nicely in the oven but did not really look fluffy. Then, as it was resting to set it just didn't look that pretty and when I moved the pie dish, it jiggled even after a couple hours. I finally cut a piece of it and noticed it was not set completely and that the meringue tasted fine just didn't look very pretty. I made a second one that evening, and it was much better. The meringue fluffed up well, browned nicely and the pie set pretty quickly also. I had to refrigerate it, though, because it wasn't being picked up until the following morning. Well, the cold made the meringue fall and it started to crack. Boo. :( Another not-so-pretty meringue. Turned out it tasted good, according to the customer. PHEW! I was nervous that even though I assured her it tasted fine just didn't look real pretty that it would end up being awful. I was wrong again, but this time being wrong turned out to be a good thing!

I am not all that excited for any more meringue orders to come in, but I guess that would give me another chance to master it.

Slow week since then. No orders. Anyone interested? My daughter's on Spring Break, so we'll have less driving around to do this week, which will leave more time for baking!

Email or call me if there's anything you're interested in. I am open to working out a sampler package for the muffins, if that's something you're looking for. And if you need a pie for Easter, let me know soon. I will be out of town on Easter Sunday, but I can definitely bake the days leading up to that Sunday and get them to you on Saturday. Thanks!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I review for BookSneeze

I joined Book Sneeze last week. This site allows you to receive (for free) a book from Thomas Nelson, read it, and review it. This week, I received A Century Turns by William Bennett. So far, so good. Trying to make time to read a serious, non-fiction book is difficult with the girls running around. BUT, it has caught my interest, so I am curious to get further into it.

If you're a blogger and you like to read, I recommend signing up on their site and scanning their currently available books for reading and reviewing. You get to keep the book afterward. I think my dad will love this book, so my plan is to give it to him after I finish and review it.

"Learn as much by writing as by reading."
(Lord Acton)

Samples, samples everywhere!

I signed up for a TON of free samples on different websites about 2 weeks ago. They all said "Please allow 4-6 weeks for shipment of your free sample." Well, they are starting to show up already!

Today, I received my second package from Proctor & Gamble. The first sample packet I received had 3 diapers. Today's had 3 diapers AND a sample of the Tide w/Febreze. In another sample mailer (not P&G's) I received one set of Crest Whitestrips (1 upper and 1 lower strip). My teeth are too sensitive to use whitening agents, even whitening toothpaste, but I figured my husband or someone else can try it.

I also received 6 packets (all different flavors) of the Nescafe instant coffee. I do not usually drink instant coffee, but I do take the instant coffee packets when we go camping. I will sample them now and if they are good I will probably buy them to take camping.

I made myself a mental note to review on here the items I receive and try. I figured if these companies are willing to give ANYONE their samples, the least I could do (even if I never buy the full-sized item) is let others know how good or bad they are.

More reviews to follow. :)

DiGiorno 200 Calorie Portions

I received a coupon from DiGiorno last week for a FREE box of their new 200 Calorie Portion pizzas. They are individual portions, 2 portions in the box. I don't usually buy individual pizzas (or even frozen pizzas, really....we make our own), but I figured I would since it was free! I chose the Cheese and Tomato flavor. It was delicious! I usually complain that "diet" foods or calorie-controlled portions taste pretty flavorless, but I was incredibly surprised at how good it was. I could taste the garlic, the onion chunks, and I really liked the thin crust.

I will probably buy them again when I have a coupon. The full price on it was a bit ridiculous - $3 for 2 slices! BUT, it was definitely worth a try and worth it for a discounted amount in the future.

For anyone interested in the nutritional facts, click HERE for the page and info on the exact item I tried.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


This morning I read a great blog about our true identity and how we can feel lost as to who we are because of the many different people we have to be - mother, wife, friend, employee, etc. The last thing it said was "I am the daughter of The King". What a great thing to always be thinking. Not just the daughter of A king, but The King. The One who controls it all, knows it all, loves us all. And I'm not just a friend of His or a fan, but I'm His Child. Amazing! He doesn't just think of me occasionally, He is always thinking of me and guiding me and helping me. I cannot comprehend WHY, but I am forever grateful. Anything I need, I can ask of Him. Anything I want, I can ask of Him - I may not necessarily get it, but He wants me to ask. He WANTS to hear me talk to Him, to sing to Him, to think about Him, to talk to others about Him. And even if I don't, He'll still love me. But how could I NOT do those simple things for Him when He does EVERYTHING for me?!

It is a nice reminder for me stop thinking of myself and to think of Him. Of what He's given me, of what He's made me. I am nothing without Him; I have no idea where I'd be without His saving grace, but I know it would not be pleasant. I cannot imagine going through life without Him.

I hear a belief in God is a crutch. YOU BET IT IS! If I didn't have the crutch of God, I'd be lying on the ground! :) I would not make it through life. So, call it what you will, but My God provides, protects, and persists in loving me. And I couldn't ask for more....He is all I need!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Saving Sense

I've been on a mission to save and coupon as much as possible. I found some exciting deals the past few weeks.

This week, I found out there's a printable Gold Medal flour coupon here.

Our Dominick's store has it on sale two-5 lb bags of Gold Medal for $3. I bought 2 and used the coupon, and I ended up with two-5 lb bags for $2.25! That was pretty good for name brand flour. I go through flour very quickly with baking and making gravies a couple times a week for dinner, so that was a great deal for me.

Also, I went to CVS today to buy milk and Colgate toothpaste. They both had ECB opportunities attached to their purchases, so I wanted to figure out the ECB thing finally. I bought 2 gallons of milk for $2.49 each ($.50 more per gallon that I normally would!), but I got $1 ECB back on each of them. Plus, I bought 2 Colgate Advance for $5; I had a $.75 off coupon I had and then got $2 ECB's back on that purchase. I also found a liter sized Scope with a bonus travel size bottle (the last one left at the regular liter's price!), and I used my $1 off coupon. Also, Edy's 1 1/2 pints were on sale for $2.99, and I used a $1 off coupon and got it for $1.99! When I got to the register, though, the woman took my coupons but forgot to scan them. I didn't even notice because I was so excited to get my $4 ECB's. As I was leaving, she called me back and told me she forgot to use my $2.75 in coupons and would just give me the cash for them. I ok'd it, but then she got to thinking and said I could have my coupons back (yay!) and she'd give me $3 ECB's in addition! So, I ended up with $7 ECB's to use on my next visit PLUS I get to use my coupons again! What a wonderful lady; I wanted to hug her for a minute. :) I will probably go back this week and get more of the ice creams (with more coupons, of course!) or the toothpaste and mouthwash or maybe some cleaning items that are on sale 2/$5 and I have coupons for $.55-1.00 off. Then if I use my ECB's, I should get most of it for free! I am really beginning to like CVS. Now, I need to follow the Register Rewards for Walgreens, so I can save there, too. I don't normally shop at Walgreens other than for prescriptions, BUT they have a huge sale paper. That's always nice! :)

Dominick's is also having (as well as Jewel) great frozen food sales! March is Frozen Food Month, so I made sure to get out and take advantage! The big bags of store brand frozen corn and other veggies are on sale 2/$5. Red Baron pizzas were on sale; I had a coupon for $.75 off the single serve Red Baron. I haven't ever bought Red Baron, but I thought I'd try it. The french bread pizzas (2 in the box) were normally over $3. They are on sale 2/$6 this week; with my $.75 off coupon, I got it for $2.25. Not bad.

Also, I signed up for something online and DiGiorno sent me a coupon for a FREE box of their new 200 calorie portion pizza. I couldn't find them at Dominick's, so I am not sure if they're out in stores yet. (I also checked by the pizzas at CVS and didn't see them.) As soon as I try it, I plan to review it on here. I'm not sure how they have my name, but who cares!? It's a coupon for a FREE item! :)

Here's the Edy's $1 off 1-1/2 pint coupon.

Happy shopping! Good Easter candy sales going on as well! Stock up and save!