Monday, May 10, 2010

The Big Picture

I have to get this blog in before I get the girls bathed and in bed. Tonight, I just want to lie on the couch and zone out watching tv. I have to be careful, though, because my youngest is trying to grab the laptop, and my older 2 are wrestling about 3 feet away from me. What was I thinking?!

This week is the second week of the paycheck, so funds are touch and go this week....for lack of a better description. :) I shopped on Thursday for this week's actual groceries, so I will just be grabbing my CVS, Walgreens, and Target deals/steals/freebies this week until payday on Friday. Then we have my brother's wedding on Saturday, so we'll be out of town Friday and Saturday, and with church on Sunday....looks like those groceries will have to hold us over til next Monday. (crossing my fingers)

This morning, I rushed around during my oldest's 30 minute ballet class and ran over to Walgreens. Here's my shopping detail:

Bought Schick Hydro 5 (sale price of $7.99, and 5 RR's back)
Quilted Northern 12 double rolls (sale price of $5.99 - not great - with no RR's)
Used $5 off coupon for Schick
Used $.50 off coupon Quilted Northern
Had 4 RR's left over from last week's trip (had to buy 2 $.33 caramels at checkout to use my two 2 RR's - stupid Walgreens rules!)
Paid $6.60 out of pocket and got 5 RR's back....not bad!

After naps this afternoon, the girls and I ran to CVS. Of course, their scanner was out of paper, so I couldn't print any extra coupons and the line was too long once they refilled it....I was definitely not going to wait in line with my 3 little ones! So I continued with my purchases, hopefully without missing out on bonus coupons for the 3 items we bought. :)

Bought Jumbo Huggies (sale price of $8.49, and 2 ECB's back)
Gallon of Milk (sale $2.59 and 1 ECB back)
Carefree Liners (sale $1.00 for 22 pack)
Used $2 Huggies coupon - that I got when I submitted a feedback email online to them!
Used $1 off any Carefree item
Used 5 ECB's from last week's trip
Paid $5.09 out of pocket and got 3 ECB's back....again, not bad!

We rushed over to Target, where I transferred my Rx from CVS...and used a coupon to get a $10 gift card with the Rx transfer.
Paid $5 for the Rx, got $10 gift card!!
Bought Scrubbing Bubbles (no longer at $7.99 sale price, but was only $8.69 not on sale)
Used $5 off Scrubbing Bubbles Starter.
Bought construction paper and kid safety scissors
Total was $8.70, paid with gift card.
Used a coupon to get another $5 gift card when I purchase the Scrubbing Bubbles.
Walked out with $1.30 left on the one card and another $5 gift card. Only paid $5 for the Rx!

The girls made "cards" for Dad while I made dinner. What a great deal day! Hoping to get over to Jewel in the morning to pick up a few more Gatorade and Baby Basics diapers (with my $4 off coupon) to use up an expiring $4 Jewel Catalina. And THAT should be the end of shopping for the week.

Now, I just have to find something to wear for the wedding and we'll be all set! I found that it was so easy to find things to wear for nice occasions while I was pregnant - something stretchy and some sandals and I was all set. Now I actually have to put some thought into it! Haha. Regardless of what I wear, it'll be a great time and I'm so excited for my brother and my soon-to-be sister-in-law!

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