I had a thought this morning: how in the world do I raise a boy?? I am all set for how to raise girls, with regard to relationships and marriage and wifely roles. But, boys are a whole other way of thought. Of course, both my girls and my son will (hopefully) be looking for the same qualities in their future spouses, but with the girls I know what I looked for and what I aspired to be in the relationship as a wife and mother. I am teaching them to find a man that loves God (as much as they'll understand for now) and how to be a wife that takes care of the husband as far as meals and cleaning and support for his decisions and whatnot.
For our son, though, he'll need to be taught that the man provides for the wife and leads the family. I'm not used to talking about that as a skill that should be learned, since we're teaching just the girls for now. Hopefully Arthur will understand much better how to teach him. And I can show him (again, hopefully) how a godly wife should be and how a wife should care for her and help her husband.
Oh, so many things to consider and remember and model to the kids! :) My prayer is that Arthur and I model that properly. If my kids fail in their relationships as adults, I would seriously consider that at least a partial failure on my part! Of course, I expect them to take responsibility for their decisions as adults, but if they aren't trained to make the right decisions, I can't really expect them to KNOW to do so.
I know God will show us how to lead and teach them. I just have to remember to look for those teachable moments and show them how to be open to God's leading and teaching.
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