Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pleasantries of Pregnancy: Sugar

I got the call - passed my 3 hour glucose test. Yay! I figured I would, but I was slightly nervous. I know I'm heavier at this point than my other pregnancies and I have been really craving sweets at night, so I worried I might just fail it (even if by just a small amount). Thankfully, I'm in the clear!

My contractions are getting stronger. Still nothing to worry about, but it's just a nuisance for now - having to stop what I'm doing to ride them out. And I almost always have to use the bathroom after a contraction. Thankfully, I got a great deal on toilet paper last week! :)

Other than that, everything is going as expected. I got my Rhogam shot my behind. Ouch! Why is it I can get through labor pain with no problem but a shot in the behind makes me a big baby? :) It burns and then my backside is sore for the whole day.

My next appointment is April 13. After that I'll go every 2 weeks for checkups til 36 weeks, then every week. I'll be 30 weeks on Saturday! Time seems to be flying now. Can't wait for warmer weather (yes, we have snow this morning!), when I can spend more time outside and time will hopefully seem to go by even faster.

Last night, Arthur and I watched a movie and he had his hand on my stomach. The baby must have known it wasn't my hand because he was jumping around all crazy. Arthur thought it was hilarious. :)

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