Tuesday, August 25, 2009

While My Computer Uninstalls A Program...

So, I'm waiting on my computer to uninstall Norton 360. Comcast failed to let me know that I can get McAfee for free just by having Comcast internet service. I've been jumping from anti-virus program to anti-virus program, using up all the free trial periods I can. It is RIDICULOUS how much it'll cost to keep my computer safe. And, even with all the anti-viral stuff, there's no guarantee. Ugh. What a pain. But, I'm glad there's something free for us.

I haggled with Comcast earlier today to get the new customer discount of $29.99/month for the even faster internet service. The $45.95/month we pay is ridiculous. That's JUST for internet service. We have $11/month basic cable, but the nearly $50 a month we spend on internet service is crazy. ESPECIALLY because the server or connection or whatever is constantly resetting and the internet is down about 3 times almost every day. It's bad. We do not have any other providers available to us yet in this area, unfortunately. Oh well. I'm happy with the discount for the next 6 months.

I'm really considering turning this blog into my way of advertising and marketing my bread 'business.' I have a GeoCities account, but Yahoo is closing down soon.....sadly. I was told to create a blogspot to market the bread business. I hadn't even thought about it, but it was a very good idea. In fact, as I type this I'm thinking that may be the perfect idea. Free. One less thing to log into and check. I think I'll do it. Now, I just have to get the word out about this blog. Yikes. I've been lazy with that. Afraid of criticism, I suppose. :) BUT, selling bread goes along with my saving money theme....right?

Yay! McAfee installed. Norton uninstalled. And with little hassle. phew. Glad that's done. I hate doing the little stuff....but I suppose it is worth it when I don't get hacked into. Not that there's much to get out of us by doing so. :) Need to keep reminding myself it's free. Ha.

1 comment:

  1. correction: i said "yahoo is closing down soon..."
    that SHOULD have read "yahoo is closing it down soon", referring to GeoCities. Oops! Thanks.
