Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Saving Sense

I've been on a mission to save and coupon as much as possible. I found some exciting deals the past few weeks.

This week, I found out there's a printable Gold Medal flour coupon here.

Our Dominick's store has it on sale two-5 lb bags of Gold Medal for $3. I bought 2 and used the coupon, and I ended up with two-5 lb bags for $2.25! That was pretty good for name brand flour. I go through flour very quickly with baking and making gravies a couple times a week for dinner, so that was a great deal for me.

Also, I went to CVS today to buy milk and Colgate toothpaste. They both had ECB opportunities attached to their purchases, so I wanted to figure out the ECB thing finally. I bought 2 gallons of milk for $2.49 each ($.50 more per gallon that I normally would!), but I got $1 ECB back on each of them. Plus, I bought 2 Colgate Advance for $5; I had a $.75 off coupon I had and then got $2 ECB's back on that purchase. I also found a liter sized Scope with a bonus travel size bottle (the last one left at the regular liter's price!), and I used my $1 off coupon. Also, Edy's 1 1/2 pints were on sale for $2.99, and I used a $1 off coupon and got it for $1.99! When I got to the register, though, the woman took my coupons but forgot to scan them. I didn't even notice because I was so excited to get my $4 ECB's. As I was leaving, she called me back and told me she forgot to use my $2.75 in coupons and would just give me the cash for them. I ok'd it, but then she got to thinking and said I could have my coupons back (yay!) and she'd give me $3 ECB's in addition! So, I ended up with $7 ECB's to use on my next visit PLUS I get to use my coupons again! What a wonderful lady; I wanted to hug her for a minute. :) I will probably go back this week and get more of the ice creams (with more coupons, of course!) or the toothpaste and mouthwash or maybe some cleaning items that are on sale 2/$5 and I have coupons for $.55-1.00 off. Then if I use my ECB's, I should get most of it for free! I am really beginning to like CVS. Now, I need to follow the Register Rewards for Walgreens, so I can save there, too. I don't normally shop at Walgreens other than for prescriptions, BUT they have a huge sale paper. That's always nice! :)

Dominick's is also having (as well as Jewel) great frozen food sales! March is Frozen Food Month, so I made sure to get out and take advantage! The big bags of store brand frozen corn and other veggies are on sale 2/$5. Red Baron pizzas were on sale; I had a coupon for $.75 off the single serve Red Baron. I haven't ever bought Red Baron, but I thought I'd try it. The french bread pizzas (2 in the box) were normally over $3. They are on sale 2/$6 this week; with my $.75 off coupon, I got it for $2.25. Not bad.

Also, I signed up for something online and DiGiorno sent me a coupon for a FREE box of their new 200 calorie portion pizza. I couldn't find them at Dominick's, so I am not sure if they're out in stores yet. (I also checked by the pizzas at CVS and didn't see them.) As soon as I try it, I plan to review it on here. I'm not sure how they have my name, but who cares!? It's a coupon for a FREE item! :)

Here's the Edy's $1 off 1-1/2 pint coupon.

Happy shopping! Good Easter candy sales going on as well! Stock up and save!

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