Friday, September 10, 2010

Book Review: The Butterfly Effect: How Your Life Matters by Andy Andrews

The Butterfly Effect: How Your Life Matters by Andy Andrews is a thought-provoking book. Thoughts like "how can I change the world?" and "what can I do in MY life to make a difference?" are 2 of the first things that came to my mind.
This book starts out by telling the story of a schoolteacher that became a Colonel in the Union Army; his determination to not give up effected the lives of every American from that day on. The history of our country was saved by Johsua Chamberlain.
It then goes on to tell of the chain of people that ended up creating a corn that fed billions to date. Amazing stories and decisions people made ended in saving the world practically!
The Butterfly Effect has definitely caused me to consider how I can take steps to help others. The only negative thing about this book is its layout. It is a short read, but the way the sentences are spread out rather than just made as a short book with regular paragraphs sort of annoyed me. I felt like all I was doing was turning pages, which made the stories seem very broken up.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the book and will probably pass it on for others to read and hopefully be as inspired as I was!

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