Saturday, September 18, 2010

Rainy Day Lazy Day

We have been so incredibly busy lately. I have started up again with my cleaning frenzies and have successfully maintained a daily and weekly schedules to keep the house as clean as can be without losing my mind. :)

Iris and Lily started preschool. This is Iris' second year and Lily's first. The classes are small, so the teacher combined them. Iris gets a one on one day with teacher on Wednesdays, which I am super excited about. She tends to be distracted and talkative, so I think that day will help with the focusing. Lily loves when she wakes up and I say "it's a school day"; she gets so excited to get dressed and ready to go. Let's hope she carries on that enthusiasm into high school!

Addy and I have been enjoying our Mom and Addy time on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She is extremely cuddly and clingy, so she is just soaking up all the attention she can get those days! And I really don't mind giving it to her, since she hasn't had the chance to get personal time with me since birth. :)

I am still struggling internally with balancing everything that I feel I should do as a mother - cook, clean, play, take care of kids and husband. I know I WANT to do all those things...I think I just try to cram in too much of those things at one time instead of setting aside the time to do them throughout the day and not all at 5 pm before hubby walks in the door! I am currently re-reading Sidetracked Home Executives by Pam Young and Peggy Jones. I read it once last year and really loved it, so I checked it out from the library again to kind of center myself on what's important day-to-day and what I can let go and not clean or do so that I can have the quality and not so much the quantity. Those ladies have hilarious stories that really make me feel better and not feel like such a failure; they definitely had much worse habits at one time and I take it as a confidence boost. :) I am also reading Can I Freeze It? by Susie Theodorou. It's a great book for produce and meats to freeze and how to freeze them; plus, it has yummy recipes for homemade sauces and dishes to freeze. I made the Basic Tomato Sauce this week with a bunch of cherry tomatoes my mom had from her garden. I didn't have the 8 lbs of tomatoes the recipe called for, but I have probably 3 lbs and it yielded exactly 2 cups of sauce that I froze and am excited to have on hand the next time we do a pasta dish. There are some fish/seafood recipes in there that I probably won't use. I am not too keen on preparing and freezing seafood. I just buy the seafood pre-cooked and frozen. Raw seafood scares me. :) That's why I'd never try sushi.

And from my previous posts, you can probably tell I've done a lot of reading lately. Some were children's books and some not, but overall I enjoyed all of them and look forward to receiving my next book from them. I get them from BookSneeze, a great site to receive books from Thomas Nelson Books to read and review on a blog and a customer site. You get to keep the books you review and choose the categories from which you receive the books!

So, today the sky is dark and it's raining. I have exactly 26 minutes to get the girls to the library for the Preschool Storytime I promised I'd take them to. And I'm hoping to get a few more food books to look at. Tonight is family movie night. We will be enjoying Marmaduke on our inflatable mattress and with popcorn! I really cherish these times, even if the movie seems less than exciting for my husband and I. :)

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