Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Review of A Century Turns by William Bennett

A Century Turns: New Hopes, New Fears is a great account of the 20 years between 1988 and 2008. William Bennett has such a great ability to break down complex political situations into layman’s terms. As an eyewitness to much of the 20 years’ happenings, Mr Bennett clearly is able to give detailed and credible accounts of America’s modern history. From the first President Bush’s term up until President Obama’s term, Bennett graphically depicts the good, the bad, and the ugly steps America takes.

This book is definitely an easy read. For those of us that find it difficult to stay interested in biased political writings, this book keeps us reading and unbiased. Bennett does well to (mostly) give a factual report on the history of America during recent and sometimes troubled times without causing us to feel a certain way (for or against) each political figure involved - not an easy task sometimes!

A Century Turns would be a great addition to any school or American history class. I would dare say there is a better account (accurate, unbiased, etc) out there. Despite some of the most ugly times during the 20 year period covered, Bennett does well to offer a positive and somewhat encouraging outlook.

A great read for the political enthusiast and even the non-enthusiast. I would definitely recommend this one for the home library.

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