Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Basic Kitchen: Healthy Homemade

It amazes me how much pre-packaged things we consume each day. Convenience foods are very popular, especially if both parents work. And even in homes where one parent stays home (ahem, OUR home), pre-made things are pretty popular as well. 

I can understand why the number of obese children is astronomical....we simply don't take the time to make things from scratch. Sometimes, we don't even bother to learn how...even if it is a simple and QUICK process. 

Pretty much anything we eat regularly can be made from scratch, or at least some version of that food can be made.

Bagels, english muffins, any kind of muffin, cakes, pies, cookies, granola, oatmeal, pop-tarts, granola bars, breakfast sandwiches (for pennies, compared to the several dollars they cost at the fast food places!), soups, deli sandwiches, breads, etc.

I have used Google to search for all kinds of recipes. Here are a few of my favorite sites for recipes on everything homemade:

Lynn's Kitchen Adventures
Confessions of Homeschooler 

I have several more, but these are some I check often for new recipes. They often link up with other blogs or sites with their newest recipes, so you can search those other sites, too, for more recipes.

Things that are pre-made and sold at the stores are so full of things we really don't need - loads of sodium, preservatives, additives, and other unnatural things. If you make your own, you can know exactly what's in there and how much. 

And, if you try one thing homemade, you might end up LOVING it and  trying more. Before you know it, you'll be buying less of the crap at the stores and making more on your own...which is healthier and TASTIER, for sure!


  1. I made homemade condensed cream of onion soup for a salsbury steak recipe today. Delish!
