Sunday, March 20, 2011

Motherhood Mania: Cleaning

I have been so behind on cleaning this week. I blame it on Arthur being home. :) I always get off track with my cleaning when he's home. He wants me to relax and just sit around, which I DID do, but I got so behind.

I finally scrubbed the kitchen sink yesterday. Felt so good! Then I took the shower head off and soaked it in bleach. It's really starting to get clogged; it's 5 1/2 years old....we should probably just get a new one. The stains from the water make it look dingy. Oh well. I'll get around to replacing it. :)

I did laundry yesterday as well (all but the whites), since we're going to my parents' today and won't be here Monday for regular laundry day. We went outside several days this week, so there was extra everything in the wash, which made for A LOT of clothes to wash. At least it's done, though. I'm happy about that.

Other than that, nothing new is happening. Nothing really to report on. Need to make some Cranberry Cornmeal Muffins today, that I've been wanting to try. Found the recipe in the paper on Wednesday. I'll post it if they turn out to be good. :)

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