Monday, February 28, 2011

Motherhood Mania: Cute Kids

Just a few funny, cute, or endearing things I've heard the girls say over the past few months:

Iris, while watching Addy and Lily run around with their cousin Hannah: "Aw, they grow up so fast."

Lily, with her finger to Addy's nose: "Just hold still. I can get your boogie."

Addy: "Mama cuckoo."

Iris, when served a favorite food: "You're the best mom ever."

Iris, when served a favorite food: "Can we eat this every day?"

Addy, with her lips next to my acne: "Kiss Mama boo boo."

Lily: "I will marry you in two days time." (She likes Rapunzel, and apparently that's how they talk. LOL)

I love these girls. Everything that comes out of their mouth is amazing. :)

Pleasantries of Pregnancy: Sick and Tired

I became sick Saturday night, while the girls and I were staying at my parents' house. It was awful. I didn't have Arthur there to help, so I had to take the monitor with me into the bathroom, in case the girls woke up crying or needing to use the bathroom. 

It started at 1am, about an hour after I went to bed. Yes, I stayed up until midnight! It's been a looong time since I did that. :) My stomach was crampy, but the baby was moving and active and I couldn't tell if it was contractions or him kicking or indeed a stomach ache. I ended up having to wake up my mom for some Pepto-Bismol after being in the bathroom twice in a short amount of time. I do not handle liquid Pepto well, but that's all she had that I could take while pregnant. I ended up throwing up the Pepto about 30 minutes later. 

I think I just ate too much for dinner and snacks that night; plus, we spent an hour or so playing Round Robin Ping Pong...which meant we were running around the table. I know - I'm pregnant...I probably should've taken it easy during the game. :)

Being sick while pregnant is the worst! And I was alone, without, that made it much worse. I just wanted him with me and to be able to sleep in my own bed. I was, thankfully, much better after a few hours and the girls (amazingly!) slept great while I was out of the room. I ended up going to church with my parents in the morning and was completely fine by then. I am so thankful it was short-lived and that nothing else was wrong, since we were so far from my OB. 

And I'm positive it wasn't an illness, just overeating on my part. Guess I need to not only take it easy with housework but also with eating. :)

Lessons in Love: Jesus Others You

I had this song in my head last week and really thought about the words:

"Jesus and Others and You.
What a wonderful way to spell JOY.
Jesus and Others and You.
In the life of each girl and each boy
J is for Jesus, for He has first place.
O is for Others we meet face to face.
Y is for you and whatever you do:
Put Jesus first and spell JOY."

I remember learning this in AWANA when I was very little. My mom sang it around the house, too. It's a cute song but has a really great message, too. The perfect way to view people is to think of Jesus first, then other people and THEN ourselves.

Such a hard thing to do sometimes! I have really been trying to think of Arthur and girls before myself the past few weeks. I really try to keep in mind how hard Arthur works. He gets up very early so he can fit in his exercise and marathon training, so he doesn't have to take away from family time in the evenings after work. I just assumed that was the way he would do it, but I didn't really think about it too much until about 3 weeks ago. He is getting up at 4:45 to go to the YMCA. 4:45! I am definitely not up at that time. But he's up and at the gym to swim and cycle or run and then comes home to shower and eat and get everything ready to go to work. He'll even take out the recycling or trash that's ready to go out to the bins. Then he starts his car to warm up; he'll shovel the driveway and front porch, if it's snowed. He rushes around to do little things for me...and he's already been up for 2 hours! Then he has to drive 45 minutes to work and deal with a less-than-nice boss and grouchy coworker for 9 hours. He then drives another 45 minutes (or more!) back home.

He is stuck in a pretty rigid schedule to fit in any of his "me" time. I have the luxury of making our schedule and changing it to suit my and the girls' moods each day. We get lots of time to do the activities we want, but Arthur has to push himself to get up super early to fit in his hobbies. I didn't really think of his dedication or sacrifice until recently. He really does a lot for us, so we can enjoy me being home and saving any childcare costs.

For me, his dedication and sacrifice meant that I should give more than 100% to do all that I can here at home, so he doesn't have to 'work' on anything here. I've been trying to take care of everything around here - all meals, making his lunch, preparing his coffee, fixing any small issues with the house (clogs, lights, minor repair, etc), keeping the car up to date (windshield fluid, wipers, gas, car washes, etc), and trying to always have the girls' baths done before he's home. He really likes to do their baths, since that is part of the time he gets to spend bonding in the evening with them, so if he's wanting to, I'll save the baths until he gets home. Otherwise, I don't like for him to have to do anything when he's here, except enjoy his family.

And after trying to do more for him, I've been trying to focus on the girls' needs more too. Family breakfasts are turning into a habit for us, and I love it! We have had breakfast all together for about 2 1/2 weeks straight now. It's great - I'll get up and cook or bake breakfast and we all sit down together to eat. I've been working on making sure the breakfasts are not cereal or pop-tarts, too. :) We haven't had any "convenience" style breakfasts lately. I've been planning ahead and preparing homemade pancakes (from scratch!), breakfast burritos, cinnamon rolls, scrambled eggs and sausage/bacon, french toast or breakfast sandwiches. I want to try to eat more healthy in the mornings, since we're taking the time to eat together. Everything is either made that morning or the evening before. And then I add some cut up fruit as a side and we've got a whole meal! It helps Arthur, too, to fill up on those things, since he's working hard at training and his body needs a good, calorie-filled meal first thing after exercising or running. Pop-Tarts are now snack foods (for me, mostly. lol). And all the cereals I stocked up on are kind of just sitting there. I'll have a bowl every once in a while in the evenings, but I want to get away from cereals for breakfasts completely. I've also noticed a change in the girls' attitudes and eating demands in the late morning, if they've had a good homemade breakfast. They're less grouchy and not as eager to snack. I'm positive it's because now they're eating good, filling meals first thing and with WAY less sugar. That makes me really proud to know that I'm making the effort and it's having a great impact on the kids. :)

I really like to cook and bake, so adding breakfasts in to that isn't a chore at all for me. It gets me up and moving, if I know I need to feed everyone! And being able to sit together before our crazy days start is really great for us. Especially because Arthur isn't always able to get home in time to eat with us for dinner.

Some days, though, I do struggle to keep Arthur and the girls first. I think "maybe I'll skip making dinner and just order something". But, really, that doesn't help us at all - it doesn't save us money and it really doesn't feed us anything healthy. I try to remember to plan ahead to keep our meals filling and healthy, so we're not just falling back on snacks or whatever to make us feel full. And I've been baking more for snacks and desserts, so when we DO eat them, at least they're homemade and not pre-packaged stuff. Sure, homemade cookies can be sugary, but they don't have the preservatives or hard-to-read ingredients. :) I know exactly what's in them.

I know I have needs, too, but making sure I put their needs first actually benefits me. If I'm working to feed them well, then I'll be fed well, too. If I'm thinking of them first, I have a more positive attitude and feel better about myself and the day's chores. If I think of them as Jesus' gift to me to take care of, then I definitely feel great about putting them before myself. :)

As women, I think sometimes all we here is to take time for ourselves and be independent and to not rely on a man for anything. Have a career. Have your own money. Take care of You.

All those things, independently, might not be bad things, but I think we (as women) have gotten away from our initial design. God created us to be helpers to our husbands. To be caregivers to our children. Yes, saving money or making money for our families is great....we're called to do that (Proverbs 31), too, but our main priority is our husband and children. If they're first, our households run much more smoothly. I know if I am thinking of my husband's needs first (physically, emotionally, spiritually), things make so much more sense around here. If I am catering to him first, even when I'm not in the mood to do anything for anyone else, I feel so much better about our marriage. If I am taking care of my children before myself, I can know I'm doing the right thing and feel great about their health and their education and their spiritual lives. If I'm doing all I can to help my husband and kids, I have a lot less stress.

That's just me, though. These are the things God's been showing me lately....not to just be a stay-at-home mom but to be the best wife and mother I can. I have many talents that I should be using daily to benefit my family. I have a lot to give, and if I'm giving all I can then I have a lot less worry and stress. :)

Rejoicing in Recipes: Three Bean Chili Chowder

I made this Friday night, and we liked it a lot. Plenty of leftovers, too! The recipe said it feeds 6....but those must be six VERY HUNGRY adults because it seemed to make A LOT of chowder. :) Regardless, we love leftovers and always enjoy being able to stretch a meal to feed all of us for lunch the following day (or even another dinner). As usual, I made a few changes because I didn't have canned pinto beans or kidney beans. I substituted great northern beans and chili beans (which I rinsed to remove the seasoned water they were in, since I was adding spices and seasonings to the whole pot and didn't want to mix too many spices.

Three Bean Chili Chowder

  • 1 large onion, chopped (I used dried onion flakes)
  • 2 Tablespoons oil
  • 2 cups diced cooked chicken
  • 1 can kidney beans, rinsed and drained (I used chili beans, rinsed and drained)
  • 1 can pinto beans, rinsed and drained ( I used great northern beans, rinsed and drained)
  • 1 cup black beans, rinsed and drained
  • 2 cans diced tomatoes
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • 3/4 cup salsa
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
Cook onion until tender in oil. Add remaining ingredients and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and let simmer for 30 minutes to an hour.
If desired: garnish with shredded cheese, green onions and sour cream.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Plesantries of Pregnancy: Muscle Aches

I am at the point where my stomach muscles are becoming achy. Not painful, just dull achiness as they stretch. It is not very enjoyable, but I am trying to remember that just means the baby is growing and needs more room! :)

He throws a party in my tummy every evening about the same time. It's a dance party, most of the time. :) It starts about 7:30 or 8 PM and then he'll calm down after about 45 minutes or so. He starts up again when we go to bed, around 9:30. It makes me smile to think he's jumping around in there. I know he can't control any of his movements yet, but I pretend he's dancing. Hopefully he'll have a little more rhythm than I do. LOL. 

I am just so excited to have him here already. I want to see what he looks like. I just assumed all the girls would look similar at birth...and they did to a certain extent. They all had very distinct features but they were very obviously 1) Hispanic and 2) related to us. :) Iris had Arthur's nose. Lily looked exactly like my hospital picture as an infant. Addy had the dimple in her chin, identical to my Grandpa. And they were all darker-skinned at birth. Addy's the only one that really retained any of that. I just wonder if Baby Artie will be dark and have lots of hair and have any distinct features. His ultrasound pictures didn't really show his face because he was sleeping...with his back to the ultrasound instrument. I couldn't really see his face shape or anything like I could with the girls. 

Whatever he looks like, I know I'll love him. :)

Motherhood Mania: End of Week Madness

We were all planning to go to visit my parents and siblings this weekend...until yesterday. Arthur found out he'll have to work because they are now very busy and his boss will be out of town all weekend. :( I was pretty bummed yesterday about that. I like when we can all go for the weekend to my parents'. And I really dislike being away from him overnight with the girls. It's tiring. BUT, we really want to see my sister and her family since they'll be in from Iowa.

I still need to pack everyone's clothes today, as well as load the car. I plan to leave with the girls first thing in the morning, probably about the same time Arthur will leave for work. I like getting there early, so I don't feel like I wasted any part of the day. Plus, they get up later over there, so by the time we get there they should be getting up. Since we're early risers, might as well spend that time driving!

I have the leftover cinnamon rolls from yesterday to take. I think I have 9 of them left...and they're huge, so hopefully there will be enough to go around. I am also going to take the rest of the english muffins after we eat some for breakfast here at home tomorrow. I wanted to make the peanut butter cornflake cookies, too, but I will wait until the necessary checklist items are done - like packing! - before I start that.

Tonight, I plan on trying out a new recipe, Three Bean Chili Chowder. I'll post the recipe over the weekend or Monday if I decide we like it. It looks tasty, though! (I think I say that about everything!!)

I wasted some time this morning lying around in my pajamas, and then I remembered I needed to go over to church to find my camera that I left yesterday in the preschool. So, we went over there quickly and took some of the chocolate chip cookie bars we made last night to give to the secretary and whoever else was going to be in the office today. Thankfully, my camera was right where I left it; I feared that Addy might have moved it without me knowing...since I didn't even realize I had left it anywhere until last night!

Hopefully the weather cooperates for us to drive this weekend, and I am hoping Arthur's weekend at work isn't too stressful and goes quickly. He is going to stay at his parents' house tomorrow night, rather than drive all the way home at whatever time he finally gets done at work. I really don't like that he will be working 12 days in a row now, until his next day off. :( I plan to pick up a movie this afternoon, so we can snuggle and enjoy a quiet evening before the busy weekend!

Rejoicing in Recipes: Homemade English Muffins

I have been meaning to make these all week, and I am finally getting to them today! They look very yummy for breakfast sandwiches. I didn't realize, though, until I started that I am out of, mine are dusted with flour instead of cornmeal. Oh well. Hopefully, they'll still be great; I can't imagine that the cornmeal sprinkled on the outside really makes that much of a difference.

I found this recipe through The Pioneer Woman. Her site is amazing for finding homemade foods. She takes recipes from all over the place, so they're not all her recipes. This particular recipe isn't hers, but it's found HERE from the Tasty Kitchen portion of her blog.

Here's the recipe:

Homemade English Muffins

  • 1 cup Milk
  • 3 Tablespoons Butter
  • 2 Tablespoons Honey
  • 1 cup Warm Water
  • ¼ ounces, weight Yeast
  • ¼ cups Cornmeal
  • 5-½ cups Flour
  • 1 teaspoon Salt
Combine milk, butter, and honey in a saucepan over medium heat. Warm until butter starts to melt, then whisk briefly. Remove pan from heat and allow liquid to cool to lukewarm.

Pour water into a mixing bowl and sprinkle with yeast. Stir gently with a fork. Set bowl aside for 10 minutes, or until yeast has dissolved.

Line baking sheets with waxed paper and sprinkle with a generous amount of cornmeal.

Pour cooled milk mixture into yeast mixture and gently stir until well blended. Add 3 cups flour and beat vigorously with a wooden spoon until smooth. Beat in remaining flour and salt until the dough is no longer sticky. Scrape the dough onto a floured surface and dust with flour. Flour hands and knead dough for 3-4 minutes. Let rest 5 minutes.

Roll out dough with rolling pin to about 1/2 inch thick. Cut the dough into circles (a tumbler or mason jar does well). Transfer muffins to prepared baking sheets and sprinkle with cornmeal. Cover with a dry, lightweight towel and let rise until doubled in height, 35-45 minutes.

When muffins have risen, heat a skillet over medium heat. Carefully lift muffins from the pan and place on the ungreased skillet. Cook about 10 minutes on each side, using a spatula to flip them. Transfer to a wire rack to cool before splitting (with a fork) and toasting them.

These are time-consuming, but I imagine they will be worth it! I have mine almost ready to put on the skillet. They are rising now. I plan to use them tomorrow for bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches (using Chihuahua cheese! yum!) and then will take the rest to my parents' house tomorrow to share with my siblings.

They don't take quite as long to make as a loaf of bread, but if you're new to any kind of yeast bread making you might find that it takes a while. Try it, though. I'm sure homemade will be so much tastier than store-bought.....isn't that how it always is?! :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lessons in Love: Future

I keep reading posts about the current economic status and gas prices and the craziness of this world. At first, I was thinking "who cares? I'm having a baby and I have bigger things to worry about." Then I read a post today by a Christian woman/mom/blogger, who is very knowledgeable about the economy and food prices and inflation and gas and anything else that's happening. She made a good point about how Christians today don't seem to be interested in the state of the world. We're all stuck in our own little worlds worrying about things that really just don't matter. Made sense to me. I've been worried about whether or not Arthur will be able to go to visit my family with us this weekend (turns out he can't; he'll be stuck working all weekend now. ugh!!!). I tend to tune out the news when they talk about the riots overseas or about the current war status or about the Dow Jones. I know I shouldn't live my life based on how the world is because I know how this all ends, BUT I also know God doesn't want me to be ignorant of what's happening in the world. There are things bigger than whether or not I should make refried beans or just buy them in a can. I know gas prices can't be controlled, but I should be aware of what that means for our financial decisions and that we should be wise about our purchases and future plans. The riots don't affect me much, other than gas prices, but what about praying for those over there that are in the thick of it?? What about the missionaries affected by the riots? 

I need to remember, daily, to think outside my little world. Yes, I should be sharing Jesus' love with those around me, but I should also remember those that don't have it as easy as I do and don't even have the time to consider what kind of beans to make for dinner because they're just trying to make it through the day...alive.

Rejoicing in Recipes: Tostadas

Last week, I bought some Ortega Tostada shells. I used just buy regular tortillas and make tacos, but I wanted to do something a little different this week. So, I went with tostadas, hoping it wouldn't be too hard for the girls to eat. 

Pinto beans were super cheap at the little market over here, so I bought those this week instead of canned refried beans. I decided to make the refried beans myself. Mine came out a little dry, but once we put them on the shell and all the other toppings they were fine. Also, I felt like I was adding a lot of salt while cooking them, but apparently I need quite a bit more. They were pretty bland; but, again, once on the shell with everything else it was fine.

So, here are 2 recipes. First, the pinto bean cooking process:

Rinse 2 cups of pinto beans and pick through for any odd-looking ones to throw out. Then put beans in a large pot and cover with water and several extra inches, as they expand as they soak/cook. Bring to boil over medium high heat and boil for 3 more minutes. Turn off heat, cover and let sit for at least an hour. 

Drain the beans and put 4 cups of fresh water back in with the beans in the same pot. Bring to boil again, then simmer, covered, for 1 1/2 to 2 hours or until beans are tender enough to mash  easily with a fork. Once "mashable", add salt before removing from heat. Drain beans, leaving a little of the bean water in. Transfer to a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. If appears too dry, add a little water while blending. You can add more salt here, too, if needed. 

Second, the tostada recipe:

1 pound boneless chicken
1 package taco seasoning
Tostada Shells
Pinto/refried beans
Sour Cream

Cook chicken until no longer pink. Take off heat and shred. Return to pan with taco seasoning and 3/4 cup water. Bring to boil and then reduce heat, cooking until the water is almost completely gone. Remove from  heat and leave covered.

Meanwhile, lay tostada shells on baking sheet and bake for 3-4 minutes at 350 degrees, just until warm. Remove to a plate or tortilla warmer, keeping covered.

Heat beans. Then take tostada shell and smother with beans, then seasoned chicken. Add desired toppings and enjoy!

Iris put pieces of corn on hers (we had the corn as a side). I had just cheese, sour cream and salsa on top of my meat and beans. Anything goes!

Motherhood Mania: Teddy Bear Picnic

I helped out at the girls' preschool today. They were having a teddy bear picnic. The kids brought in a bear and they do bear songs, bear craft, and then eat bear-shaped muffins with honey. Since Addy came with, I let her bring a bear, too. All of my girls brought their bear with their birth year on them...which is the gift they get from my Grandmother their first Christmas. Since Addy's so short, her bear practically the same size as her! 

It was fun to sit in on a whole 2 1/2 hours of class with them. When I go for the parties (Christmas, Valentine's, etc), they are shortened class days, so it's only 1 1/2 hours long. Today was the full time, and it was quite interesting. I didn't want to be too in the way, but I wanted to see how Lily acts with Miss Amy. She actually acted much better at school than she does at home. Lately, at home, she's been very disagreeable and unwilling to help out and do her all! I can take away privileges and she still doesn't help. She had a few moments of delayed listening today in class, but for the most part she did very well. Maybe I should approach it differently with her. I know she can't be handled the same as Iris. I've known for a while that discipline with Lily is much different and more challenging than with Iris. She needs a little more time to get on board. Iris can be enthusiastic for just about anything; Lily takes some time to process and decide if it's really worth her time. It can be frustrating for me, a by-the-book and on schedule kind of person. I find Iris much easier to discipline; it's cut and dry - "you don't pick up your dirty clothes, you don't get to watch your cartoon." She jumps right on it and picks them up. Lily will sit there for 30 minutes before she decides she wants to respond. And if we have somewhere to be and I am in NEED of her cooperation, forget it! :) She's on her own time and her own plan. 

Back to the picnic.... :)
The bear biscuits were a package of refrigerated biscuits. They each got one biscuit, and Miss Amy used the remainder biscuits to cut into fourths and the kids rolled the pieces into balls to use for 2 ears and a nose. They then used raisins to make eyes. Very cute! I was there to take the biscuits down to the kitchen and bake them. Addy went with me; I figured she'd really distract the kids from their Bible story time. She helped me in the kitchen, getting out hot pads and saying "hi" to our Assistant Pastor that had come in to the office. 

I was so wiped out by the time we got home. Not sure why, other than being pregnant. I really didn't do much at preschool. I tried to sit as much as possible, and I really didn't run around at all during their play time in the church basement. 

Overall, it was a great morning. I really liked watching the girls play with the baby dolls at school and make their bear hats and eat their biscuits and honey. They are so chatty, it's hilarious. Lily was talking about something on my plate and just came out and said, "oh, that's SO serious!" It really didn't make sense, but I thought it was hysterical that she was saying "serious". :)

Hopefully, Lily and I can find some common ground before baby gets here. Or maybe once he's here, she won't feel like such a middle child anymore. Who knows. I love her little personality, regardless. And her smile is so adorable. :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pleasantries of Pregnancy: Quiet is Nice

I am doing pretty well today. Not quite as tired as I have been the past few days. I was sitting on the floor this morning and leaned to pick up some clothes, and I felt a muscle pull in my stomach. That wasn't fun. It was sore for a few hours, but it's better now. Baby's still moving a lot, dancing all over my bladder. :) I must use the bathroom 8 times an hour. Such an inconvenience! LOL. I haven't been having to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, though, so I guess I can't complain.

Iris felt the baby kick really hard the other day. Her face lit up. She was so excited, and she started asking all kinds of questions.

"Does the baby talk in there?"

"How does he get air in your tummy?"

"What does he eat?"

"Can he hear me if I sing to him?" That was the cutest question ever. I told her he definitely knew her voice, and he would love to hear her sing. :)

Motherhood Mania: Swim Time

Last night, Iris and Lily had their first swim class. It was so cute! There were only 2 brothers in there with them, so they got plenty of attention from the teacher. Iris did a really great job practicing kicking and putting her face in the water to blow. Lily was mostly there to goof off, it appeared. :) She got in trouble for splashing in the water when she was supposed to be sitting on the side of the pool watching the teacher. 

We were able to sit and watch them through a window with Addy, so that was nice. I didn't take any pictures. I wasn't sure if it was allowed, since my kids weren't the only ones in there....wasn't sure what the rules were on that. In the family adventure area, there are no cell phones allowed because the rule is no pictures can be taken in that area. So, I'll find out for next time to see if I can get some pics on here of them. They're so adorable in their new little swimsuits. :)

Next week, I plan to bring swimsuits for Addy and I, so we can just go in the pool, too. There's open swim on the other half of the pool during their lessons, and I think it'd be so much easier if when we went into the locker room we could all come out into the pool without worrying about coats and bags that Addy and I have to take back out. Hopefully Arthur will make it on time again and can join us to swim. He made it this week and was able to give me a hand getting the girls in there. 

Today, we were all pretty tired. Swimming was over at 6:45, so we got dressed and home by about 7:10. The girls took baths and I made them a smoothie for a snack before bed. They slept in an extra half hour this morning. Arthur turned off his alarm and didn't go running, and I was really struggling to get out of bed. We had to rush around, so Arthur could change the wipers on my car before work. I made breakfast burritos (scrambled eggs, turkey bacon and cheese in a tortilla), and he left a little late for work. 

While Iris was at school, Lily and Addy played in their room. I changed bed sheets, thoroughly cleaned the upstairs bathroom, and started bread machine cinnamon roll dough in the bread machine. While the girls ate lunch, I finished up the cinnamon rolls and have them ready in the fridge. I'll just bake them first thing for breakast. I'm also planning on making homemade english muffins at some point this week. I really want to try them; they look very easy and really good. 

For now, everyone's napping/resting, and I'm thawing chicken for dinner. Busy, busy. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Rejoicing in Recipes: Veggie Stuffing Bake

I know, I already posted a recipe today. But, since I missed a few days this weekend I figured I'd double up for today. :)

In trying to stick with my Meatless Monday thing....which is a national phenomenon, by the way (just google "Meatless Monday" and many sites come up with recipe ideas and the whole 'movement' of going meatless one day a week)...I decided to make a package of Stove Top. I LOVE Stove Top better than any homemade stuffing, but I feel like once I make it we get tired of it quickly.

Tonight, I decided to check out a recipe from the back of the box and noticed they all included chicken in them. I decided to cut out the chicken and double up on the veggies in it. So, I went with the Easy Chicken Bake and tweaked it slightly. I know, it's not the healthiest meal (hello sodium!), but it was quick and tasty and had carbs in it for my training-crazed husband. :) Mondays are rough mornings for him, as far as exercise, so I try to make extra foods for him and more carbs than usual.

Here's my Veggie Stuffing Bake:

1 package Stove Top stuffing mix
1 can cream of chicken soup
1/3 cup sour cream (I did a little bit more than 1/3 cup, as we like things very creamy here)
1 can green beans (you could use frozen; I just have tons of cans of beans)
1 can reduced-sodium whole kernel corn (again, you could use frozen here)
Mozzarella cheese, shredded

Prepare stuffing mix as directed on box. Set aside. Mix together sour cream, soup, and vegetables. Place in 13x9 inch pan. Spread stuffing over top. Sprinkle mozzarella cheese over all. Bake at 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes or until everything is heated through and cheese is completely melted.

Very tasty! I served it with a salad, raw carrots and radishes, and buttered bread. So far, only the girls and I have eaten dinner and we only got through 1/3 of the pan. It seemed to make a lot of the meal, so that's nice. Plenty for Arthur for dinner and leftovers for everyone's lunches tomorrow.

Yay for Meatless Mondays! :)

Lessons in Love: Desire

I have the desire to be a good mom and wife. The desire to be consistent with my devotions. The desire is there. Why can't I just get going on it some days? This morning started off great - while Arthur was at the gym, I got up and got the coffee started. Iris and Lily were up shortly after that, then Arthur got home. I whipped up some chocolate chip pancakes, so we could all sit down together and eat as a family. I was showered and had the laundry sorted and started by 8:30. My grocery list was complete before breakfast. Everything was going so well, and I hadn't really exerted that much physical energy. 

It's 1PM now, and I'm wiped out! I have no motivation to get up and finish sorting my coupons for the grocery list or to fold the load of laundry that's done. I'm even struggling to type this post. I have this desire to do it all, but I just don't get started. I know I still need to do my devotions today. Maybe that's why I'm lagging....because I haven't had my time with God yet.

Motherhood Mania: Curriculum

I ordered the curriculum for Iris' Kindergarten year! I was super excited to get it done. One of the packages should be here by tomorrow! I can't wait to go through it and show her all the neat things we'll be learning.

My sister is going to be in town at my parents' house this weekend, and she is bringing me some of her teaching supplies, so that'll be fun to go through also. 

After confirming I have all the curriculum and tools I'll need, the next step is to arrange a school "area" in the house. Still trying to decide on the best place. After that, I'll need to organize all of our games and manipulatives that'll supplement the workbooks/sheets.

Rejoicing in Recipes: Shredded Pork

I made pork loin yesterday in the crock pot. I put it (2 + lbs) in at 6:30AM and took it out for dinner at 4:30PM. I didn't put much seasoning on it - just a little black pepper, dried minced garlic, and some Adobo seasoning. I put about 3/4 " of water in with it and didn't touch it again for 10 hours. It fell off the bone and shredded so nicely! 

I made mashed potatoes and carrots to go with it. There was enough juices from the meat, I could have made a gravy, but I didn't feel like tipping the crock pot and trying to make it, so I just made a white sauce with lots of pepper to act as a gravy. I make the white sauce often with our mashed potatoes. It's super simple and can go over meat, veggies, pasta, etc.

Basic White Sauce

1/4 cup margarine
1/4 cup flour
salt and pepper to taste (we like it peppery, so I always add a lot of pepper)
2 cups milk

Melt butter in saucepan on medium heat. Add in flour and whisk until combined. Cook for a minute or so more, til bubbly and pulling from sides of pan. Add in salt and pepper. Slowly whisk in milk and be sure to combine completely. Cook on medium/high heat for several minutes, stiring or whisking continuously, until bubbly and thickens. Remove from heat and cover until ready to serve. 

Pleasantries of Pregnancy: Beginning of the End

Exhaustion. My word for the day is exhaustion. I am very certain that my streak of energy is over. :( I still have a few weeks until I start the third trimester, but I am utterly exhausted. I was able to clear out some space in the girls' closet for the baby and downsize all the crazy amounts of girl clothing we have. Soooo glad that's done! Took me two days.

I have been having daily contractions that are very noticeable. Guess that is my body's way of saying "slow down". So, for now, I'll listen to it. :)

God has answered a prayer and is providing baby boy clothes through my friend's sister, who had a baby last summer. She is wanting to get rid of the clothes, so she is giving them (FREE) to me! I am so excited. Of course, I want to get something for her as a HUGE thank you. The clothes from her son should hold us over for a bit, and we can just buy them as we go after that. 

Other than going through those clothes and buying a couple boy blankets, I think we're all set. And I'll be glad to not have to do much that next few months and be able to relax a little.

Book Review: A Year with God by R.P. Nettlelhorst

I received a copy of this book through for review. I had not read anything by R.P. Nettelhorst, and I was very interested in this style of devotional book.

I liked that the devotionals were grouped by topic in the book. It covered A LOT of topics, which was nice. I did not really enjoy that all the days that had to do with one topic were listed in a row. So, for the first 28 days, all the devotionals were on "Hope and Fear". I would have liked to see the topics mixed up a bit more for more variety throughout the week/month, instead of all month being on one category.

Each day is given one page, which includes the printed out Bible verse(s) and the author's thoughts or encouraging words. It didn't seem like enough space to really get into the author's explanation of the Scripture or really get in-depth about the topic. To me, it seemed like it skimmed over the thoughts of the verses. It was a nice thought for the day, but I felt like I really needed to supplement with more Scripture or another devotional book for more reading about the topic or passage.

Overall, I probably would not recommend this book for an in-depth study of God's Words to us in the Old Testament. It would be a nice gift for maybe a graduate or new Christian looking for short daily readings as an introduction to the character of God.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lessons in Love: Depression

So, I know this can be a touchy subject for a lot of people, but it's been on my mind for a very long time, and I just feel like venting about my view or opinion of it. I could be totally wrong, and I'd be willing to admit it if I had information to say otherwise, but I've never been given other information that shows my opinion to be wrong.

I do not believe in depression. Ok, let me explain. I do not believe in it unless there is medical testing to show that there is a chemical imbalance in the brain/body that would cause someone to be unable to control their thoughts/emotions, thus identifying them as "depressed." 

I have known (or currently know) several people who have told me they are depressed. Not just the sad feeling, but they have actually been to a therapist or doctor and been diagnosed as depressed. Not a single one of them actually had any medical testing done to show they have a chemical imbalance. Almost every single one of them was simply asked questions about their life, their feelings, etc. Shortly after they were told what medication would be best and given a prescription. They were to follow up with their doctor or therapist in a certain number of days or weeks to see how they're doing on the new prescription. 

I do NOT at all understand that. You ask me on a crappy day how things are and how I'm feeling, you might just hear me say some really crappy things about my current outlook on life or my opinion of how things are. If I really sit to consider how I'm 'feeling', I would probably very quickly understand how great I have it, and how it could be so much worse. There is always someone worse off. 

Why aren't they doing that with people that feel like there's no way out or feel like everyone would be better off if that person was dead? Why don't we SHOW those people how it could be worse? Why don't we explain to them to just get over themselves and move on?? Maybe it's the way I was raised, but I actually feel BAD when I sit and wallow in my pity. I KNOW there are people out there with absolutely nothing - no home, no family, no job, no anything. I have SEEN people in worse situations. I have HEARD about those in third world countries that can't get out of their war-torn countries or poverty-stricken villages. THOSE people would have every right to be depressed. BUT, that's not what we hear about. I don't ever recall hearing that tons and tons of people in poverty-stricken Uganda are committing suicide because they are depressed. I mean, maybe they are....but nobody's reporting on that to my knowledge. Nobody's over there saying look at the staggering number of people causing themselves harm or death because of their situation. No, people are over talking about how they are struggling to provide. PROVIDE. They haven't given up. They are still working at it. Still trying to give their kids and families everything they can. They still work hard to find work and make the smallest amount of money. 

It really frustrates me that in America, people are always talking about the number of depressed people here. It is so ridiculous!!! You want a reason to be sad about life? Go overseas and spend some time with those that actually have it rough. Live in a hut. Drink water from the dirty river. Dig a hole to use the bathroom. Struggle to hide your children from the crazy kidnappers that want to rape or sell your kids for money. SERIOUSLY!

Ok, so being jobless could be pretty sad. Losing your home is probably pretty traumatic. BUT, we have more resources out there for help than practically any other country, yet we still have such a huge number of "depressed" people. 

To be completely honest, those people that I've known to be diagnosed as depressed have none of the issues that might cause someone to be depressed. Ok, temporary joblessness. But that's the only one. They've never lost a home, never lost their spouse or child, never really struggled. There was always someone there to help or at least OFFER help. 

Why can't we, as a society, just get over ourselves? We have it so nice. We have community. We have family. We have government or non-profit organizations that WANT to help. Why do we have to just feel sorry for ourselves and need some medication? Why do we need some unnatural chemically-laced pill to feel "good" about our situations? Does it HELP the situation? No. Does it correct everything? No. It just makes us feel better about it. Is it going to get us a job? A home? No and no. 

I think what we need is a good dose of reality.....other people's reality. We don't know what we all we focus on is what we DON'T have. 

I would be so curious to know the number of depression-related deaths from Bible times compared to the number of depression-related deaths now. Really. People without technology and without all our conveniences had to work for everything. You don't hear all these stories about people feeling sorry for themselves and just giving up. No, people understood to get things you had to work and work HARD. You weren't owed anything. You were not entitled to certain rights or things. You worked for everything - even a simple meal. And everyone was fine with that, it seemed. Now, we have all these shortcuts and conveniences and we have forgotten how to WORK for what we want. Instead, we just assume we deserve it and we cry about it when we don't get it. 

I apologize if this angers anyone. I am just so fed up about hearing about how teens today feel like there's no way out. Like death is the only answer. And why do they think this? Because we have taught them that they deserve all this stuff and when they don't get it, it's ok to feel sorry for themselves, instead of seeking out someone who has even less and helping them. That's what we need - to give of ourselves. If we took the time to help out those who truly have less, I think we'd spend a lot less time whining about we don't have. 

Of course, I don't have any Biblical references for my opinion on this. I just don't see how God could be okay with us finding help in medications for a problem that seems to be heart related. If we understood we have a God who cares, a church family that cares, other Christians that care....think how much better off we'd be. If we focused on Christ and His sacrifice (now HE would have a reason to be His life for a bunch of people that didn't deserve it!), I think we'd spend less time being "depressed." If we focused on living out the Great Commission or helping those that truly are poor or without, we would understand how blessed we are and how much better we "feel" when we do something for someone else and not expect everything to be done for us.

I am NOT AT ALL saying that I live out everything I'm saying here. Not at all. I often find myself feeling sorry for me and all that I think I need. I do find, shortly after, that I have everything need and MORE. There are people who really don't have basic things, but I'm crying that I can't put my girls in ballet and gymnastics and private school. Pathetic! I have running water (and it's CLEAN), a home (and it's heated!), a family (that loves me!), and food (that I didn't have to go out and hunt for!). Everything else is a luxury.

(please feel free to post any commments or opinions - even if you don't agree with me. i always like to hear what others have to say, and maybe you have something for me to consider. i could be completely wrong here. i would really like to know if i am wrong. really.)

Motherhood Mania: Activities, Activities

Iris and Lily start swim lessons on Tuesday night. I'm very excited, and I think they are too. They asked a long time ago to take swim lessons, and we are finally in a position to afford them...thanks mostly to the YMCA. The lessons through the Y are cheaper if you're a member than a non-member, and since we joined during the $0 joiner fee month and had saved up to pay for the year's membership in full, we are actually getting a really good price for 2 girls in lessons. I'm very happy with it!

We went and bought them good quality swimsuits on Thursday. They are so cute. :) I'd like to get them swim caps for ALL their hair, but I haven't figured out where to get kid-sized ones yet. We had a hard enough time getting toddler/little girl sized swimsuits (that didn't have cartoon characters on them and were tugless and had thick sturdy straps....and were one piece), so we'll see if I can find any. I was surprised that I couldn't find their size in suits from Speedo, which is what I really wanted. BUT, Speedo doesn't make them that small apparently. 

Yesterday, we took the girls bowling in the morning. It was so fun. Iris and Lily have gone one time, but it was when Lily was very little and Addy wasn't even around yet. They didn't remember it at all. They, of course, were done playing after just 4 turns, but we managed to finish the game. I tend to be very competitive, especially at bowling. My grandma is like that, too; it's pretty funny that we're both like that. :) I noticed Iris was really getting into the scores. She kept insisting that she was winning, even though she actually had the lowest score at the end. We used the bumper lane, so of course it wasn't official at all! lol. We stayed and had hot dogs at the bowling alley, too. The girls really wanted to have lunch there, for some reason. It was a lot of fun, but I couldn't believe how expensive it was. $30 to bowl! I think next time, we'll just have Addy share my turn and only pay for 4 people. Although, Addy did bowl her turn every time, even helping me carry the ball up to the line and push it. She never got tired of it. :)

They girls took really great naps after lunch, so we took them to the Y to run out some more energy in the indoor playground. Arthur and I really got into that, too. I usually just walk around and watch them, but I started running with Addy and chasing her and playing catch with Lily and another little girl. I was soo tired but the time we left - and we were only there an hour!! 

Baths and bed came very shortly after that. My hips were screaming and I didn't even want to get up off the couch to go to my bed. 

Today will be low-key, for sure. Arthur's working, so the girls and I are lazy today. I do have to start going through my girl baby clothes to get rid of all things pink :), but other than that we're just hanging out and watching movies. 

I love family fun days, but I really start to feel old the day after!!

Rejoicing in Recipes: Brown Bag Burritos

I made these last week for dinner and to freeze. They are pretty good. I haven't made burritos in a long time, but I was glad I did. I had enough for dinner and a ton more to freeze. They're good for lunches (if you can heat them up) and for even a snack. Good source of fiber, too! I added in black beans because I only had one can of refried beans. Tasted the same, just a little lumpier since the black beans weren't all mushed like the refried beans were. 

Brown Bag Burritos
  • 2 lb. ground beef
  • 2 cans refried beans (I make my own)
  • 1 1/3 c. enchilada sauce
  • 1/2 c. water
  • 1/3 c. minced onion (I use dried)
  • 1 Tbsp. chili powder
  • 1 Tbsp. garlic powder
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. dried oregano
  • 3 c. shredded cheese (cheddar, Mexican blend, whatever)
  • 20 flour tortillas (burrito-size)
Brown ground beef; drain.  Add remaining ingredients (except tortillas).  Bring to a boil.  Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Heat 3-4 tortillas at a time.  Spoon 1/4 c. beef mixture down the side of each tortilla. Roll up.  Wrap each burrito in a paper towel, then wrap in foil. Refrigerate or freeze. When ready to eat, remove foil and microwave for about a minute.  The paper towel keeps the burritos moist.  If you don’t use a microwave, skip the paper towel and just wrap in foil.  Then heat burritos in the oven with foil.

Pleasantries of Pregnancy: Handle with Care

I do NOT like being limited, physically. I like to be able to just go about my day doing the things I need or want to without having to ask for help or cutting out any activities. We went bowling yesterday with the girls, and I had trouble lifting and rolling an eleven pound ball. The 10 pound ball didn't fit my thumb, but it was at the max of what I could lift comfortably. I  was incredibly frustrated. I just wanted to enjoy bowling and I couldn't totally. 

The muscles in my stomach are even sore today just from the 10 pound ball and all the activity yesterday. I still have things to get done today, but the aching is kind of annoying. And boy oh boy was the baby active last night. He wouldn't stop jumping and twisting for a good 20 minutes after we laid down for bed. All I wanted to do is sleep and he wouldn't lie still! :) Time to start realizing my body is not my own any more. I guess it hasn't been for a while now, but at least I could still sleep when I wanted/needed to. Not anymore. 

15 more weeks to go!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Motherhood Mania: Homeschool

So, I'm homeschooling Iris next year. Possibly Lily, too. We haven't totally decided on Lily; if our church's preschool is still there next year, we may just send her for the preschool to have that time away. If they don't have it, I'll just have her work here with Iris as much as she wants to. No pressure for her, she's just turning 4 at the end of September so she's still pretty young.

I am very excited to teach Iris; I just try to expect the worst, since I'll have 4 kids at home by then! :) I am trying to imagine every possible thing that could go wrong (and even all of them happening at once!), just to prepare mentally. I've been reading a lot of blogs of moms that homeschool with babies or are homeschooling several kids at once. It's very encouraging and very scary at the same time!

Iris seems fairly excited; she tells everyone everywhere that she'll be at home for school next year. I just hope she knows I mean business when it comes to sitting for the times we need to sit and participating when she is supposed to. She can be moody (as we all can be, I suppose) when it comes to doing something or an activity that maybe she's not ready to do.

I am still trying to figure out the best place in the house to do this. I cleared out along a wall in our room that could hold a desk and shelving units for our things. I looked at one mom's photos of their homeschooling ROOM today. I don't have an extra room, though, so that's not going to work. I like the idea of a giant markerboard and the rolling storage/organizer thing that has enough drawers for every subject, so I can put together workboxes for her to go through when it's time for her to do some things on her when I'll be feeding the baby or helping Lily and Addy do something.

So far, I am thinking I'll do about 3 1/2 to 4 hours a day for her school. Every other week, Arthur has Thursday and Friday off, so I might try to double up on the Wednesday before his days off and then have her also do 3-4 hrs on the Saturday AFTER his Thurs/Fri off. That way, we can still enjoy his "weekend" with him. Or, if we plan a field trip, I'd like to try and do it on that Thurs or Fri he has off, so I have the help with the other kiddos. Regardless, I know I have the flexibility to make our days as we'd like. I still have to count out the total number of days for the year. I'm thinking we'll start the Wednesday after Labor Day, and I'd like to be done before Memorial Day. I enjoyed that kind of year as an elementary student, so I'd like to do it that way for her, too. Of course, if we plan a vacation or break in addition to the "regular" ones, I'll have to change those dates to extend into the summer. :( I still have time, though, to map that out.

Curriculum should be ordered by April, I think. I want to get it here and check it out to see if anything should be returned before the baby arrives. That'll help make my transition to 4 kids easier, I assume. One less thing to work on (as far as the returning/reordering) while juggling summer activities and breastfeeding!

Overall, I am super excited that we have this opportunity to test it out. If we find it doesn't work, I'm not worried. We can always work out getting her into a school mid-year or finding alternatives to the way we're doing it. And I like that we can take our time with everything and that I get to see her growth in all areas. I love them so much, and it's crazy to think that I'll be responsible for them to be productive and intelligent and to learn what they need to. I know we can do it; I just know I am not doing it alone.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Rejoicing in Recipes: Homemade Granola Bars

So, I LOVE Quaker Granola Bars. I eat them all the time - breakfast, snack, late night snack, dessert. :)

I came across this recipe for homemade granola bars. I am always skeptical of homemade oatmeal bars....mine tend to be dry. This one looked really good and I undercooked them slightly, just to keep them softer. Plus, it had almost double the amount of honey and oil that previous recipes I tried have had. 

Right now, they are cooling and in about 3 minutes I plan to cut them and eat at least one! HAHA

 Homemade Granola Bars

2 c. rolled oats
3/4 c. packed brown sugar
3/4 tsp cinnamon
1 c. whole wheat flour
1/4 c. white chocolate chips (or semi-sweet chips, raisins, craisins, whatever you want)
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 c. honey
1 egg, beaten
1/2 c. coconut oil (or peanut or olive. i used peanut oil today)
2 tsp vanilla

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 9x13 pan. 
Mix together dry ingredients and make a well in the center.
Add honey, egg, oil and vanilla into well. Stir until well combined and pat evenly into prepared pan. 
Bake 30-35 minutes or until edges are golden. Cool for 5 minutes, then cut into bars and remove from pan. (It says to cool ONLY 5 minutes and to be sure to remove the bars from the pan while they're still warm or they will harden and be extremely difficult to cut and remove.)
Store bars in sealed tupperware or other plastic container to keep soft.

*I just cut and ate one of ours. DEELISH! I think I cut 12 bars, but I don't even know if that will feed us for one breakfast. Think I might need to be sure there are plenty of extras - fruit, yogurt, etc - with that meal to fill us up!

Pleasantries of Pregnancy: Fear

I've noticed my crazy pregnancy dreams have triggered some of my most worrisome fears. Yesterday, I posted a link to a woman's blog. It is about losing her child at just 7 months of age. I could barely read her story because I was crying so hard. I cannot imagine what she has gone through - losing a child shortly after seeing her born. 

I had one miscarriage before I was pregnant with Iris. I was only 7 weeks along when it happened, and it was devastating. I cannot imagine miscarriage further along into the pregnancy or losing a child after you've birthed him/her. I was so sad for several weeks, and my baby wasn't even formed yet! I have friends and relatives that have lost children further into their pregnancies, and I know it was even more difficult at those points. 

So, my big fear this pregnancy is that something huge will be wrong either going into labor or after he's here. I have been given 3 healthy, beautiful girls after 3 easy pregnancies and mostly easy labors/deliveries. Iris had the umbilical cord around her neck, but the doctor was able to manually remove it as she was coming out. All 3 of my girls were jaundice, to different extents. I cried when we had to set up the jaundice light machine here at home for Addy. I was heartbroken that she was so yellow and had to be under this ridiculously LOUD machine and that we couldn't hold her and walk around the room because it was plugged into the wall. 

I fear that since this is our last baby and we've been blessed with 3 easy pregnancies that something will go wrong. I pray it doesn't; I pray that if it does I will trust God to see us through, but it's been on my mind constantly. I dream weird things thanks to the hormonal changes I'm going through. I assume other mothers have this same fear. I remember feeling some of these same things - to lesser extents - when I was pregnant with Iris. Not knowing what to expect and, of course, reading all the books and blogs about birth made me worry. After having Iris, I didn't worry so much with Lily and Addy. This time is different. I know God doesn't give us more than we can handle with Him....but sometimes I feel like maybe I just don't want to know HOW MUCH it is that I can handle with Him.

Motherhood Mania: Up The Nose

Children are so fascinating. Sometimes. :)

Over the last week or so, Addy has become picky during dinner time. Just dinner, though. She has been refusing meats of all kind and most vegetables, only wanting breads and fruits. I've been giving in some nights because it's just not worth the fight. Last night, I chose to fight her on it and told her she had to eat her chicken or she would not get another piece of bread. I took my eyes off of her for a few minutes to talk to Arthur and the girls about the day's events. Addy started saying "nose" and pointing to her very red nostril. I couldn't figure out why she had decided to practice pointing out her body parts right then, until I realized she was pointing UP her nose not AT her nose. I was not sure what she could have put up there. The chicken was not small enough to push up there. Then, I saw she still had green beans on her plate....that were broken open with the little bean seeds strewn about. She put a bean seed up her nose!

Arthur went and got the tweezers, while I got the nasal suction thing. We pinned her down on the couch and worked out the bean. Of course, it was covered in snot and came out in more than the one piece it went in as. Lovely.

I should have know she would try this. Last week, she put a raisin right inside her nose. The majority of it was still hanging out, but she was so proud that she got a raisin to hang from her nose. She clapped and cheered for herself. What a nut! :)

I remember my mom's story about my older brother sticking something up his nose but not telling her for some time. The doctor had to remove it, and he kept all the things he pulled from kids' trophies. Kids can be so weird sometimes. It's scary at first, but I'm glad we can usually laugh about it shortly after!

Rejoicing in Recipes: S'mores Valentine BItes

I didn't get around to posting a recipe yesterday, but I wanted to share the link to these "candies" we made for Valentine's Day. They were pretty tasty, and I think they'd be fine for any other special dessert or occasion and not just Valentines. Just substitute a regular marshmallow for the heart-shaped ones.

Click HERE for S'more Valentine Bites recipe. I followed the link on her page to a recipe for the dipping chocolate, as I didn't have any store bought here in the house. Making it myself was super easy. I plan to use that chocolate recipe again for other chocolate-dipped items. :)

My husband even liked them. He doesn't normally eat sweets, especially those with strawberry marshmallows in them. He ate a couple, I ate some, the girls ate some and we gave some to their teacher and classmate for Valentine's Day. Pretty tasty and a nice change of pace from the regular store-bought candy.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lessons in Love: Speechless

I have nothing to say about this woman's post. Really. I was crying so hard during and after reading it. I cannot imagine her pain or how she manages to go on.

Warning: it is extremely heart-wrenching and you will probably cry.

The blog/site is called Raising Arrows. Click on the name for the story.

Thank you, Lord, for my children. I hope I can remember each day just how precious my time with them is.

Pleasantries of Pregnancy: Braxton-Hicks

I've had contractions for the past few weeks, but last night I had my first semi-difficult one. I was sitting on the floor preparing my grocery list and coupons and the contraction started. I had to stop what I was doing and breathe. It sort of took my breath away. I was thinking it was a little early for these types of contractions, but I guess not. I'm almost into my 3rd trimester, so I suppose it's about time. Time to start practicing my breathing, I guess!

This just means it is that much closer to labor! I haven't really thought about it much yet, but I am planning to go without any pain meds this time, just like I did with Addy. I feel like since I KNOW I can do it without them, I should. Unless, of course, there's some complication and things proceed differently than they did last time. I really like being in control and feeling everything and knowing just when things are happening. It makes me more at ease. I do not, however, like the nauseated feeling that pain brings me. BUT, it passed quickly once I started pushing with Addy, so I am hopeful it will be similar this time.

All of my deliveries were fairly short, thankfully; I assume this one will be, too. From the time I went in to labor with contractions at home until the time Addy was born, only about 4 hours passed. Granted, I started timing my contractions two hours prior to actually calling my doctor and before waking Arthur. They weren't painful or very regular, so I waited to do anything. About 3 AM, we called the doctor and headed to the hospital. I still wasn't in a whole lot of pain but I was at 5 cm and they knew I tended to go quickly once I start dilating.

I have a book on the Lamaze method that I bought when I was pregnant with Lily. I love it. It goes over so many options and ideas for focusing and breathing and medicinal intervention. It's very informative. I did still go with the epidural with Lily, but it was largely because Arthur had the flu and I threw up just before we left for the hospital as if I was getting the flu, too, so I was exhausted. I did vomit several times during labor at the hospital with Lily, but I'm not sure if that was the flu or if it was due to pain. Regardless, I decided I did not want to keep throwing up and be in pain at the same time, so I caved and got the epidural. Best decision for me at that time. :)

No contractions today that were worth remembering. Looking forward to more, though, so I can be sure I'm prepped for my breathing!

Motherhood Mania: Middle Child Syndrome?

Lily has got something going on. I'm not sure what, but she definitely wants to test her limits this week...and the past few weeks.

We enjoyed a nice Valentine's party at preschool with Iris and Lily today, but Lily was very uncooperative with picking up, getting her coat on, washing her hands, etc. I used the same techniques to get her to cooperate as I do at home, but it was very obviously not working. Miss Amy even tried to help her get her coat on, with a lighter tone, and still nothing. I counted. I pulled her aside to explain her punishment when we got home. I tried to stay calm. I made eye contact. Nothing. 

She just doesn't seem to care if she's disciplined. She'll cry for a few seconds about not getting a toy or losing a privilege, but then she's over it and on to disobeying again. She's lost out on snacks, treats, TV, playtime with her sisters and still doesn't seem affected. 

I don't know if this is the "middle child" thing they talk about, but she either really needs some attention or just wants to find out how far she can push it. She must have had 4 timeouts yesterday, lost TV time, lost snack, and lost out on story time before bed and still today she's back at it. 

Hoping this phase or interest in being naughty is over soon. The other 2 are losing out on time playing because we're dealing with Lily's fits. :(

Monday, February 14, 2011

Lessons in Love: Pushing the Limits

There are so many things I want out of life, that I think I push myself to do more than I'm supposed to right now. I don't just mean physically either. I know I push myself too much physically, especially while pregnant, but I always think "it has to get done and who else is there to do it?". I hate burdening Arthur with housework after he's just spent a long day in the car and at work with a difficult employer. 

I think I push myself too much spiritually too. Sounds kind of weird - aren't we SUPPOSED to keep pushing ourselves to be better spiritually? Yes, I believe we are. But, I think I get ahead of myself often and try to move on to new things before I've "mastered" the first one. Like the whole Proverbs 31 woman thing. I've been studying that chapter since high school and barely scraped the surface on how to be the best woman I can be. BUT, every time I discover something new about the Proverbs 31 woman, I try to mimic her without fully committing my actions to God or before I fully assess what exactly I should be doing with the new knowledge. I don't think that's the right way to go about it. I should be seeking God FIRST to see what exactly He is wanting me to change or do. I feel like I'm doing it backwards sometimes, which then delays me ever accomplishing anything and I'm back where I started. I have things I want to make a habit and things I want to be able to do for my family consistently, but I lack the preparation so it doesn't get done properly or at all. 

I don't know if that made sense. It's in my head and I know I need to go about things in a different order when it comes to being the woman God wants me to be. Reorganizing my plan of attack is key. Seeking God first, then once I know what he wants me to do and how I should do it I will be better prepared to complete it.

Motherhood Mania: Poo Dilemna

I just do NOT understand the attraction of children to poo. Seriously. Lily is really pushing my gag reflex control to a whole new level these days.

Saturday she surprised us during nap time with a present on her finger that she found in her underwear. GROSS! Thankfully it was well-contained, except for the finger. She comes out of her room saying, "There's something on my finger. Look. What is it?" We knew exactly what it was before we even looked. Something about the way she said it...

Today, she does the same except she's already removed her underwear and tried wiping off her finger, thus getting it on other fingers and under her nails. I almost threw up on her! I mean, really?! It just amazes me that she was not grossed out by it, nor did she care that she reeked of poo!

I was also frustrated that she had been in bed for over an hour and still not fallen asleep. She's been doing this often the past few weeks, but then she is absolutely wiped out by dinnertime. I've tried explaining her exhaustion is the result of no nap, but she continues the next day with fighting the nap. I know she's not ready to give up naps yet just by the sleepiness she experiences come 5pm! 

It's a good thing it's laundry day because I would have HAD to wash her soiled clothes and would definitely not have been happy about having created an extra chore of washing clothes if it were any other day of the week. I suppose I should be happy about that. 

But, all I can think about is having to scrape under her nails with MY nail to clean them. EWWWW! Just so gross. 

She's sleeping now, but when nap is over we're definitely going to have a sit down about this one. We went through something similar with Iris but I don't remember her being this old when she did it; I was thinking Iris was still in diapers when she discovered playing with poo. 

Oh, the joys of motherhood. Cleaning other people's poo. I read a facebook post once that a nurse friend of mine had put on there about "how many people can say they've had to smell their clothes to make sure someone else's poo didn't get on there?" I quickly thought, "Well, Mothers probably have to do that more often than they'd like." Then I was thinking about Arthur and how often he deals with bodily fluids of other people, and I'm pretty sure he's had to smell or inspect his clothes for poo more than once!

It's just a bodily function, I know. We all do it. But, seriously....does she really need to SHOW it to me?!...on her finger?!?!?!?

Rejoicing in Recipes: Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Pancakes

I found this recipe last week and made them. They were delicious. I plan to make more this afternoon to freeze for this week's breakfasts. I found the recipe on I really enjoy her blog; she is a Christian as well, so she does post often about spiritual things in relation to everyday life. I appreciate that because sometimes I feel like the women that "do it all" just don't see it like I do and having a Christian woman/mom post about her journey is helpful.

Anyway, here's the recipe:

Whole-Wheat Chocolate Chip Pancakes

2 cups whole-wheat flour (we use freshly-ground flour)
2 tablespoons turbinado (or sugar)
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
2 beaten eggs
2 cups milk, buttermilk or sour milk*
4 tablespoons melted butter (you can also use oil or coconut oil, but we prefer butter)
1/3 cup chocolate chips
Combine flour, sugar, baking powder and baking soda in a bowl. Combine the eggs, milk and melted butter in a separate bowl.
Make a well in the center of the flour mixture and add egg mixture and chocolate chips. Stir until just moistened.
Cook on a greased pancake griddle. Serve immediately or cool and freeze.
To freeze: Lay cooked and cooled pancakes on a baking sheet and stick in the freezer for 30 minutes to an hour (until frozen). Remove from pan and place in airtight freezer bags or containers.
To thaw: Take desired number of pancakes out of freezer bags and heat one to two at a time in the microwave for one to two minutes. Or, place on a baking sheet and cook in a 350-degree oven for 15 to 20 minutes until heated through. Serve immediately.

Like I said, these were delicious. And they appear to be fairly healthy as well, which is always a nice bonus. I reheated them using the oven and they were great. Today, I just reheated Addy's in the microwave and they didn't get too hard or anything, but I only did one in there for 30 seconds and that was plenty to heat it up.

This photo is of ours ready to go into the freezer. I know, they don't look that pretty and yes a couple cooked for a little too long, but they still tasted great! :)


Pleasantries of Pregnancy: Baby Artie

I am 24 weeks and 2 days pregnant with Baby Artie. I still have a TON of energy; I don't remember being this energetic at this stage of the other 3 pregnancies. Maybe it's because during those other ones I didn't have as much to keep up with and now my body has just adjusted to the energy needs. Who knows. Regardless, I'm very happy that my exhausted days are few and far between. 

He is moving a lot and all the time. Even at this moment, with the laptop on my belly, he is kicking it. :) I can't describe the awesomeness of feeling a baby move inside you. It is so incredible to know it's a living thing that will soon be outside and in my arms. So amazing! Just makes me more secure in my belief in God. How someone can find life's beginning just a random group of coincidences is beyond me. Makes so much more sense that a Creator designed it that way and brought everything together just so to form a beautiful, tiny person.

My hips are actually really sore today. We went for a walk for almost an hour outside yesterday; I think I overdid it. I haven't walked that long in a while, so I'm not used to it. When I woke up at 5:30 this morning to help Lily in the bathroom, I noticed my left hip felt like it was going to give out. I sleep on my right side most of the night, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. And my right femur was in actual bone. It was weird. Probably just my joints moving or hips expanding or whatever making my bones ache. But, it went away after I laid back down and switched to my left side.

I go for my glucose test in March. I have failed every single in-office test and always end up having to do the 3 hour test. Boo! I'm really hoping I pass this one.....I dislike very much not being able to eat all morning and sitting around in the hospital lobby for 3 hours! 

I still haven't bought any baby boy clothes. I check Craigslist from time to time to see if anyone's getting rid of boy clothes, but there hasn't been much for newborn boy clothes. Guess I'll actually have to break down and buy some....on sale or clearance of course. LOL!

I have heartburn almost daily but it's not terribly painful. Tums usually work for me. Arthur's heartburn has increased and he's onto Zantac now. Hmmm....which one of us is pregnant? :)

I am very excited about the baby and June 4th can't get here fast enough! I'm ready to start this being a mother of a boy thing!