Saturday, February 5, 2011

Frost, Fever and Fun

Today is Arthur's first day back to work since Tuesday. I was pretty sad to see him go this morning. The past few nights have been rough. Addy continues to not sleep well, tossing and turning and waking herself up. She can't get back to sleep, so she ends up in bed with us. I think she has the cold that I am getting. She was snoring pretty loudly during nap yesterday, as if she was congested. During bedtime last night, she was doing it again and then woke herself up coughing. All night in our bed she would toss and turn and cough. I, too, was coughing, and my throat was hurting so bad. I think I'm sleeping with my mouth open, unknowingly, and that is aggravating the dryness in my throat. I woke up to Addy lying on me this morning. We had taken off her pajamas last night because she was so warm and running a little fever. Being in bed with us always makes her even warmer, so we just took her jammies off to avoid overheating her. 

The girls are supposed to go to our friend Tristan's first birthday party today. My in-laws are going to come stay with Addy, while I take Iris and Lily to the party. I don't think Addy got enough rest to be functional at a party, and I'm not sure what's going on with her cold or fever (though it's gone this morning), so just to be safe I'll keep her away.

Arthur was up for work and got Iris and Lily's breakfasts ready. They cut out heart shapes in napkins to surprise me when I came down. It was really cute. Made me wish even more than he could have stayed home today. He was a HUGE help this week with my tiredness and scratchy throat. He helped with the cleaning for my coffee party yesterday, too. 

I am hoping Addy's fever is gone for good, but who knows. It wasn't really high, but it was high enough to aggravate her when she tried to sleep. Tomorrow, I am scheduled to do announcements at church, so hopefully we make it there. I feel like I'm unreliable lately because our church attendance has been so irregular due to illness. I can't get there when it's just the girls and I and one of them is sick. If it was a weekend Arthur was off, that'd be different. I can't wait to get past the colds and fevers of winter time. But, then baby will be here shortly after, so then we'll be missing because he's so little/new. :) It's a crazy cycle, really. 

Next week, I had planned to call and go visit one of the elderly ladies I've been speaking with from church. As long as my cold doesn't get any worse, I still plan to do that. I think it'll be great for the girls to see ways they can help others just by visiting and giving of their time. We're typically so wrapped up in all of our schedules and appointments and whatnot, that we don't have a moment to factor in helping others. I want to really stress to them that we need to MAKE the time to do it. So, hopefully we are able to get out and see her. She likes to bake, too, so I plan to bake some bread or something to take over there. 

Time to get a shower in and look online for a gift to pick up for Mr Tristan on the way to his party. Nothing like waiting til the last minute! At least, I can sort of blame this procrastination on the crazy blizzard. That excuse has kind of expired, though, since the roads are pretty clear now. :)

Looking forward to a relaxing evening tonight. Last night, Arthur went bowling with guys from church, so I put the girls to bed by myself. We got more Little House reading in, and they went right to sleep. BUT, Addy woke up around 8:30 crying, which woke up Iris, who then came out of the room. Iris slept on the couch next to me for a bit, while I tried to get Addy back to sleep by holding her. Arthur got home around 9:30, just in time for Iris to wake up again and need something to drink (it's never-ending! lol) and Addy to be wide awake. So joyous. LOL

I am praying for a restful night for all, so we can finally be at church tomorrow (on a week I'm NOT in the nursery and can enjoy actual fellowship with others). 

I'd like to start ending my posts with something specific that I'm thankful for, so that I end on a positive note. So, today I'm extremely grateful for such a giving husband. He gave so much of his time and energy the past few days so that I could relax and not be overwhelmed. I love him so much!

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