Thursday, February 24, 2011

Motherhood Mania: Teddy Bear Picnic

I helped out at the girls' preschool today. They were having a teddy bear picnic. The kids brought in a bear and they do bear songs, bear craft, and then eat bear-shaped muffins with honey. Since Addy came with, I let her bring a bear, too. All of my girls brought their bear with their birth year on them...which is the gift they get from my Grandmother their first Christmas. Since Addy's so short, her bear practically the same size as her! 

It was fun to sit in on a whole 2 1/2 hours of class with them. When I go for the parties (Christmas, Valentine's, etc), they are shortened class days, so it's only 1 1/2 hours long. Today was the full time, and it was quite interesting. I didn't want to be too in the way, but I wanted to see how Lily acts with Miss Amy. She actually acted much better at school than she does at home. Lately, at home, she's been very disagreeable and unwilling to help out and do her all! I can take away privileges and she still doesn't help. She had a few moments of delayed listening today in class, but for the most part she did very well. Maybe I should approach it differently with her. I know she can't be handled the same as Iris. I've known for a while that discipline with Lily is much different and more challenging than with Iris. She needs a little more time to get on board. Iris can be enthusiastic for just about anything; Lily takes some time to process and decide if it's really worth her time. It can be frustrating for me, a by-the-book and on schedule kind of person. I find Iris much easier to discipline; it's cut and dry - "you don't pick up your dirty clothes, you don't get to watch your cartoon." She jumps right on it and picks them up. Lily will sit there for 30 minutes before she decides she wants to respond. And if we have somewhere to be and I am in NEED of her cooperation, forget it! :) She's on her own time and her own plan. 

Back to the picnic.... :)
The bear biscuits were a package of refrigerated biscuits. They each got one biscuit, and Miss Amy used the remainder biscuits to cut into fourths and the kids rolled the pieces into balls to use for 2 ears and a nose. They then used raisins to make eyes. Very cute! I was there to take the biscuits down to the kitchen and bake them. Addy went with me; I figured she'd really distract the kids from their Bible story time. She helped me in the kitchen, getting out hot pads and saying "hi" to our Assistant Pastor that had come in to the office. 

I was so wiped out by the time we got home. Not sure why, other than being pregnant. I really didn't do much at preschool. I tried to sit as much as possible, and I really didn't run around at all during their play time in the church basement. 

Overall, it was a great morning. I really liked watching the girls play with the baby dolls at school and make their bear hats and eat their biscuits and honey. They are so chatty, it's hilarious. Lily was talking about something on my plate and just came out and said, "oh, that's SO serious!" It really didn't make sense, but I thought it was hysterical that she was saying "serious". :)

Hopefully, Lily and I can find some common ground before baby gets here. Or maybe once he's here, she won't feel like such a middle child anymore. Who knows. I love her little personality, regardless. And her smile is so adorable. :)

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