Monday, February 14, 2011

New Beginnings

I've been thinking about this a lot lately, but I hadn't put anything down on paper until today. I think this blog (or, collection of ramblings!)would flow better if I categorized some things. I know I can add tags to the posts, but I think titling different posts or within the posts would help break up what really does appear to just be ramblings. I want to post a recipe a day or some kind of baking/cooking tip each day- just something I read or found in a cookbook or even the recipe I'm making for dinner. Seems like I'm always looking for new things to try, so why not share what I've found in case others are searching too? Next, I'd like to kind of journal my way through the last 16 weeks of this pregnancy. I feel as though I don't get to sit and enjoy the pregnancy as much because I'm so busy with the family. The girls aren't as interested in the baby's movements as I am, and we're so busy with things that I'd like to document it a little. It's pretty late into the pregnancy already, but the baby's really moving and my body is really changing, so I thought it'd be nice to read back on after he's here. :) 

I also want to include the dailies of motherhood. Not only is the pregnancy not relished  like I want, but I think I miss some great motherhood moments because I don't get to sit and just dwell on them. If I can type them out, at least I can think back about the day and the moments - good or bad. 

Lastly, I would like to do posts about things I'm learning personally. Whether it's something from my daily devotions or something I hear on the radio or in a sermon, I like to be able to dwell on them and share them. 

Here are the 4 categories I want to post in DAILY. Yes....daily. Sounds like a lot, but I think it'll just be breaking up the amount of "stuff" I normally post into 4 smaller posts. If I decide I don't like it or it's too much organization (there IS such a thing), I'll find another way to post.

-Pleasantries of Pregnancy
-Motherhood Mania
-Rejoicing in Recipes
-Lessons in Love

So, with that, I will end this post and start a new one regarding one of those categories. :) I hope you enjoy it. 

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