Monday, February 28, 2011

Pleasantries of Pregnancy: Sick and Tired

I became sick Saturday night, while the girls and I were staying at my parents' house. It was awful. I didn't have Arthur there to help, so I had to take the monitor with me into the bathroom, in case the girls woke up crying or needing to use the bathroom. 

It started at 1am, about an hour after I went to bed. Yes, I stayed up until midnight! It's been a looong time since I did that. :) My stomach was crampy, but the baby was moving and active and I couldn't tell if it was contractions or him kicking or indeed a stomach ache. I ended up having to wake up my mom for some Pepto-Bismol after being in the bathroom twice in a short amount of time. I do not handle liquid Pepto well, but that's all she had that I could take while pregnant. I ended up throwing up the Pepto about 30 minutes later. 

I think I just ate too much for dinner and snacks that night; plus, we spent an hour or so playing Round Robin Ping Pong...which meant we were running around the table. I know - I'm pregnant...I probably should've taken it easy during the game. :)

Being sick while pregnant is the worst! And I was alone, without, that made it much worse. I just wanted him with me and to be able to sleep in my own bed. I was, thankfully, much better after a few hours and the girls (amazingly!) slept great while I was out of the room. I ended up going to church with my parents in the morning and was completely fine by then. I am so thankful it was short-lived and that nothing else was wrong, since we were so far from my OB. 

And I'm positive it wasn't an illness, just overeating on my part. Guess I need to not only take it easy with housework but also with eating. :)

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