Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Motherhood Mania: Swim Time

Last night, Iris and Lily had their first swim class. It was so cute! There were only 2 brothers in there with them, so they got plenty of attention from the teacher. Iris did a really great job practicing kicking and putting her face in the water to blow. Lily was mostly there to goof off, it appeared. :) She got in trouble for splashing in the water when she was supposed to be sitting on the side of the pool watching the teacher. 

We were able to sit and watch them through a window with Addy, so that was nice. I didn't take any pictures. I wasn't sure if it was allowed, since my kids weren't the only ones in there....wasn't sure what the rules were on that. In the family adventure area, there are no cell phones allowed because the rule is no pictures can be taken in that area. So, I'll find out for next time to see if I can get some pics on here of them. They're so adorable in their new little swimsuits. :)

Next week, I plan to bring swimsuits for Addy and I, so we can just go in the pool, too. There's open swim on the other half of the pool during their lessons, and I think it'd be so much easier if when we went into the locker room we could all come out into the pool without worrying about coats and bags that Addy and I have to take back out. Hopefully Arthur will make it on time again and can join us to swim. He made it this week and was able to give me a hand getting the girls in there. 

Today, we were all pretty tired. Swimming was over at 6:45, so we got dressed and home by about 7:10. The girls took baths and I made them a smoothie for a snack before bed. They slept in an extra half hour this morning. Arthur turned off his alarm and didn't go running, and I was really struggling to get out of bed. We had to rush around, so Arthur could change the wipers on my car before work. I made breakfast burritos (scrambled eggs, turkey bacon and cheese in a tortilla), and he left a little late for work. 

While Iris was at school, Lily and Addy played in their room. I changed bed sheets, thoroughly cleaned the upstairs bathroom, and started bread machine cinnamon roll dough in the bread machine. While the girls ate lunch, I finished up the cinnamon rolls and have them ready in the fridge. I'll just bake them first thing for breakast. I'm also planning on making homemade english muffins at some point this week. I really want to try them; they look very easy and really good. 

For now, everyone's napping/resting, and I'm thawing chicken for dinner. Busy, busy. 

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