Friday, February 25, 2011

Plesantries of Pregnancy: Muscle Aches

I am at the point where my stomach muscles are becoming achy. Not painful, just dull achiness as they stretch. It is not very enjoyable, but I am trying to remember that just means the baby is growing and needs more room! :)

He throws a party in my tummy every evening about the same time. It's a dance party, most of the time. :) It starts about 7:30 or 8 PM and then he'll calm down after about 45 minutes or so. He starts up again when we go to bed, around 9:30. It makes me smile to think he's jumping around in there. I know he can't control any of his movements yet, but I pretend he's dancing. Hopefully he'll have a little more rhythm than I do. LOL. 

I am just so excited to have him here already. I want to see what he looks like. I just assumed all the girls would look similar at birth...and they did to a certain extent. They all had very distinct features but they were very obviously 1) Hispanic and 2) related to us. :) Iris had Arthur's nose. Lily looked exactly like my hospital picture as an infant. Addy had the dimple in her chin, identical to my Grandpa. And they were all darker-skinned at birth. Addy's the only one that really retained any of that. I just wonder if Baby Artie will be dark and have lots of hair and have any distinct features. His ultrasound pictures didn't really show his face because he was sleeping...with his back to the ultrasound instrument. I couldn't really see his face shape or anything like I could with the girls. 

Whatever he looks like, I know I'll love him. :)

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