Monday, February 21, 2011

Lessons in Love: Desire

I have the desire to be a good mom and wife. The desire to be consistent with my devotions. The desire is there. Why can't I just get going on it some days? This morning started off great - while Arthur was at the gym, I got up and got the coffee started. Iris and Lily were up shortly after that, then Arthur got home. I whipped up some chocolate chip pancakes, so we could all sit down together and eat as a family. I was showered and had the laundry sorted and started by 8:30. My grocery list was complete before breakfast. Everything was going so well, and I hadn't really exerted that much physical energy. 

It's 1PM now, and I'm wiped out! I have no motivation to get up and finish sorting my coupons for the grocery list or to fold the load of laundry that's done. I'm even struggling to type this post. I have this desire to do it all, but I just don't get started. I know I still need to do my devotions today. Maybe that's why I'm lagging....because I haven't had my time with God yet.

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