Thursday, February 10, 2011

Good Morning!

I feel like my head is about to explode because I'm so stuffed up, but I am in such a good mood. Weird.

This morning, we enjoyed our pre-made cinnamon rolls. They were so sticky...and delicious! I think I'll keep this as my 2nd choice recipe. I like my regular, by hand, cinnamon rolls but this was a good one if I'm short on time. We only ate one pan of them (about 8 rolls), so I'll freeze the other 8 rolls for future breakfasts. We had the cinnamon rolls with orange slices and milk (coffee for Arthur and I, of course. lol). Deelish!

The burritos were so good last night. But, of course, lots of beans leads to lots of gassy girls. :) I was able to freeze 10 of them, and Arthur had 2 for lunch today. Plus, we still had 3 or so leftover from we had PLENTY of burritos. 

Today, Lily has a fever so she is home from preschool. Iris' teacher so graciously offered to bring her home after school, so we don't have to go back out! That was so wonderful! I'm very chipper today, but my eyes are hot, my nose is stuffy and walking outside makes my nose feel like it is going to just crack and bleed right then. I'm so grateful for Miss Amy. :) 

My goal today is to call one of my elderly ladies from church. We were supposed to go visit her this week, but I don't think that's a good idea - taking our germs over there. So, I'm just going to call and check in with her and set up something for next week, as long as everyone's healthy by then! I also need to print up my menu through next Tuesday and my daily to do's for today and tomorrow. 

Saturday is another meeting with the small group we had to cancel with 2 weeks ago. I am REALLY hoping and praying everyone's fever is gone and we can actually go this time. Seems like we've been on and off with being healthy for about 3 weeks now....and everything we want to plan to do falls on the days someone is ill or feverish. Not fun!

Tomorrow, I do have to get out to go buy the girls' swimsuits. Their swim class starts the 22nd, I think. We have to go to the mall to buy them, which I'm not looking forward to. More germs! BUT, I'm hoping to just run into the one store and run out. No playground, no food court, no other stores. In and out! The less contact with people and things, the better. 

Time to get moving. Lily's watching Rapunzel and lying on the couch. Addy's pushing her Scoot N Zoom around. I need to get some things printed and
get the ingredients into the bread machine. And I still haven't done my devotions yet this morning or cleaned the bathrooms. It's been a backwards kind of week as far as chores; things are kind of just getting done as we have a minute. I found an AWESOME chore chart that I want to make for the girls. But, that'd require me going to the craft store and that's not happening. Soooo, I bookmarked that site for now and we'll get to it next week....maybe. I feel like I just keep pushing everything into next week. LOL. Looks like it'll be a busy week!

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