Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pre-Valentine's Love

We were able to go to the small group meeting last night. It was really nice. There were other kids there, so the girls had a lot of fun playing. 

I was glad to talk about ways to apply Scripture to our marriages, since Valentine's Day is tomorrow. :) After we got home, Arthur and I talked for a long time about our marriage and how great we feel our relationship is and how we've never doubted being together. We've talked about this many times before, but it's always nice to hear him say those things again. :) We really do have a great relationship and talk about anything and everything. And I mean everything. We are so open it's crazy. I honestly don't know any other couple that we're good friends with that is as open as we are. I am not very open with other people, but with Arthur I can say anything. Nothing is too gross or private or weird or anything. I love it because sometimes I really just have something strange to talk about or ask or am just wondering about and I can say it without judgment. We do have a lot of laughter at ourselves and our strange conversations, but it's so freeing to know I can say anything to him and he'll never think I'm strange or too nosy or giving too much information.

I always think back to when I was in labor with Iris. I was given meds to speed up my contractions because my water had broken but I wasn't having noticeable contractions, and I was getting nervous/scared. I really needed to use the bathroom (my tummy is super sensitive when I'm nervous or scared or whatever), but the nurse had asked me to wait because they wanted a good reading on Iris' heartbeat before I got up again. I explained I would not be able to wait, and she said that's fine that I could just go right there in the bed (even  though she wasn't able to grab a bedpan at that moment). I was thinking, "Ew. How embarrassing." And she reassured me that she sees women use the bathroom all the time in labor. So, uncontrollably, I went. I was totally embarrassed and about to cry. Arthur, right away, started cleaning me, so the nurse didn't have to; he knew it'd be more embarrassing if the nurse cleaned me off. He didn't make any faces or say anything; he simply washed me off and covered me up. I didn't even think about it at the time, but I later thanked him for it and he brushed it off like it was nothing. I love that man. I don't know if every husband would be willing to clean their wife's backside after her nervous stomach, but Arthur was and it just shows me the kind of heart he has.

Sorry if that was too much information. I tried not to be too descriptive or vulgar. BUT, it's a true story and just an example of the openness and "anything goes" attitude we have in our marriage. We talk about every bodily function like we're talking about the weather. We talk about his work and the condition of bodies like it's the latest celebrity news. We've seen each other at our most vulnerable points, we know our weaknesses and each other's and we're ok with them. I am very self-conscious about my body in front of other people. In high school, for gym, I remember changing in the bathroom stall instead of just out in the open with the other girls. With Arthur, it doesn't make what I'm wearing or how I look or what condition my body's in....he still loves me and finds me attractive and is constantly saying it. That makes me feel so comfortable and loved.

Yes, I'm totally bragging about my husband. :) No, I don't think we don't have any faults or anything to work on. I just know how blessed I am to be where I'm at with Arthur and the closeness we share. I don't know marriage any other way, and I'm so happy for that. I've never worried about him straying or about him not finding me attractive or not willing to do anything for me. That's just the way we are. We have faults and many things to work on, but I just love how we are and know that we will just keep getting better.

So, for me, this Valentine's Day is super special. I know I have the love of my life. I know he cherishes our relationship just as much as I do. I know he is my Best Friend. And I know I don't want it any other way. Happy Valentine's Day!!

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