Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pleasantries of Pregnancy: Braxton-Hicks

I've had contractions for the past few weeks, but last night I had my first semi-difficult one. I was sitting on the floor preparing my grocery list and coupons and the contraction started. I had to stop what I was doing and breathe. It sort of took my breath away. I was thinking it was a little early for these types of contractions, but I guess not. I'm almost into my 3rd trimester, so I suppose it's about time. Time to start practicing my breathing, I guess!

This just means it is that much closer to labor! I haven't really thought about it much yet, but I am planning to go without any pain meds this time, just like I did with Addy. I feel like since I KNOW I can do it without them, I should. Unless, of course, there's some complication and things proceed differently than they did last time. I really like being in control and feeling everything and knowing just when things are happening. It makes me more at ease. I do not, however, like the nauseated feeling that pain brings me. BUT, it passed quickly once I started pushing with Addy, so I am hopeful it will be similar this time.

All of my deliveries were fairly short, thankfully; I assume this one will be, too. From the time I went in to labor with contractions at home until the time Addy was born, only about 4 hours passed. Granted, I started timing my contractions two hours prior to actually calling my doctor and before waking Arthur. They weren't painful or very regular, so I waited to do anything. About 3 AM, we called the doctor and headed to the hospital. I still wasn't in a whole lot of pain but I was at 5 cm and they knew I tended to go quickly once I start dilating.

I have a book on the Lamaze method that I bought when I was pregnant with Lily. I love it. It goes over so many options and ideas for focusing and breathing and medicinal intervention. It's very informative. I did still go with the epidural with Lily, but it was largely because Arthur had the flu and I threw up just before we left for the hospital as if I was getting the flu, too, so I was exhausted. I did vomit several times during labor at the hospital with Lily, but I'm not sure if that was the flu or if it was due to pain. Regardless, I decided I did not want to keep throwing up and be in pain at the same time, so I caved and got the epidural. Best decision for me at that time. :)

No contractions today that were worth remembering. Looking forward to more, though, so I can be sure I'm prepped for my breathing!

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